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About ProvokeMe

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Noo Joisey
  1. ProvokeMe

    Bare hands vs. axe - Fight!

    Better to be lucky than good :)
  2. ProvokeMe


    Which is why I wouldn't turn bandit without at least a bat or crowbar. But I'd prefer a fire axe.
  3. ProvokeMe


    It only takes a melee weapon to be a bandit... to start.
  4. ProvokeMe

    I'm Stuffed

    Looks like the random number generator god smiled on you... nice :)
  5. ProvokeMe

    What to do next?

    Rule number 1... NEVER get attached to your gear. Rule number 2... see rule 1
  6. ProvokeMe

    What is, or will be, the point of this game?

    Go out... find every piece of high end gear, rob who you need to get it, kill who you need to get it. When you get that all and look just like the guys in the youtube videos... give it all away, or let someone kill you and loot you. Then... start again... find every piece of high end gear and NEVER kill a soul. Hide, sneak... stealth but get all the gear. When you look like the guys in the youtube videos... give it all away, or let someone kill and loot you. Then... play the Hero style... group with others... help each other to survive and thrive. Share with others... guard newspawns while the try and loot... take out the zombies that are harassing the newspawns. Make sure that others are better fed than yourself.. you'll find more. Then you'll know what style you like best. I'm betting you'll enjoy playing and helping more than the first two... or at least I hope you would. By then... maybe... they'll add more content or end game content and you can move on to that stuff. Just sayin...
  7. ProvokeMe

    I'm Stuffed

    I have a theory, and it could be completely horseshit... but I think stuffed is too much water first THEN food, where healing is filling up on food FIRST and then filling up with water. When I first started on my current life I found ponds and wells long before I found any food... in fact almost died of starvation. So I am full with water before I started eating beans and sardines and such. I'm trying to swap that and eating when I can till I'm stuffed... trying to get the scales to tip the other direction. But I could be completely wrong. :)
  8. ProvokeMe

    How often do you die from glitches?

    I have never died from a ladder. But I'm OCD-like careful. I make sure I'm not being chased and head for a ladder. That is a recipe for death. When I walk up to a ladder I make sure that the white arrow head up or down is clearly on my screen, remove my hands from my mouse and keyboard, make sure the arrow head is still there.. and THEN hit the F key. I've yet to have a problem on a ladder using this method.
  9. ProvokeMe

    lack of appreciation

    No matter how you try to play... bandit or hero... I would never approach another player without my weapon drawn and ready. As much as I don't want to play the bandit KOS route its about survival... MINE. Take a jab at me and you'll get an axe between the eyes. Then I'll pick up the food and water I was going to gift to you and offer it to someone else.
  10. ProvokeMe

    How often do you die from glitches?

    Only once for me so far... but I haven't been playing very long. As a previous posted stated I got too close to the handrail in a warehouse... got game dizzy looking over the side and then next thing I remember "You are dead". Might have been desync or just me being an idiot, but either way I was dead.
  11. ProvokeMe

    How often do you die from glitches?

    There is a good way and a bad way to remind people that they're in an alpha product. Telling them to come back in 2015 if they don't like it... isn't the good way.
  12. ProvokeMe

    Blood loss

    The way I have heard it explained eat until it says your full, and then drink till it says the same. Keep yourself well nourished and you'll slowly start to regen your blood. You'll see a "healing" or "healthy" status when you look at your character sheet. The grey screen denotes blood loss and a blurry screen denotes low health. They aren't the same thing. I believe that infections will cause you to lose blood and/or health over time if you don't take care of them. Some can cause death if they are too This youtube.com video explains a LOT about your health and healing... http://youtu.be/GwNgTnj9hBE
  13. ProvokeMe


    Nice story... and probably pretty similar to most others. Some folks are helpful by nature and will be that way in game. Some people take advantage of others in life and do so in game. I prefer to be helpful. Unfortunately on my current and most successful run in a long time, any newspawn I've come across was at a time when I had nothing to share or help with and was "starving". Never crossed my mind to kill someone for food though. Kept thinking to myself that I'd find something in the next few houses I'd ransack. I was right. I'm now in a position to share or help out someone I meet.
  14. ProvokeMe

    Modern Weapons

    It would make sense for AK's to be in the area where DayZ is set. It's common weapon across that area. Otherwise you have to look at where you loot this stuff. The M4 drops in military areas... makes perfect sense. Anywhere else... you're talking local government buildings... homes... industrial areas... it would make sense to have "hunting rifles" and not combat weapons. You get kind of tired reminding folks that this isn't a military simulation... or a FPS. It's horror survival... where a lot of the "horror" comes from KOS players and the zombies are obstacles to your survival. It should be evident from the first time you spawn what this is. "You wake up, remember nothing, you're on a beach... GO!" Remember this and you'll never ask another "How come..." question again.