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About mrjazzyjay98

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  1. DayZ Epoch Server! Server IP: All players are free to join US 25. There are custom load outs, frequent restarts and Active Admins + 500 vehicles. ----------------------------------------------- Features of the server: Admin base on the map. Always Daytime. Restarts every 3 hours, meaning always changing loot. 500 Vehicles Sniper Loadout, changing every week. (CZ 550 currently) 50 slots Required Beta Build: 103718 Nameplates are optional This will mean daylight for most players in North America during peak hours Battle-eye always online! We have a TeamSpeak! ( TeamSpeak 3 is free. Everyone is welcome to join the server and the TS3! Please hop in when playing our server, who knows, you may join a clan. Thanks! - Jay (Senior Admin) -------------------------------------- Admin Team: Jay (Senior Admin) Gray (Owner) Bradley (Senior Admin) Craisen (Co - Owner) Jake (Co - Owner)
  2. Zombie Paradise Hello there fellow DayZ Players. I have started a server recently and i would like you guys to join. It's got 500 vehicles + Friendly Admins/Active Admins. We got a forum set up and an ARENA so you can win special gear! Overall, it's a fun and interesting server. What else could you want? Server IP: Thanks for reading. Enjoy the Server!
  3. mrjazzyjay98

    Needing assistance!

    is that cool?
  4. mrjazzyjay98

    Needing assistance!

    http://www.mediafire.com/?4ro7ui087s2ca That is exactly where I downloaded it from, that was from the "Kodabar" blog spot. It was the main site when I typed it in. And in those folders on media fire is the realease where i downloaded it from.
  5. mrjazzyjay98

    Needing assistance!

    http://kodabar.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/dayz-offline-single-player-practice.html That is the site I downloaded the "DaiZy" from. Was that the main source or?...
  6. mrjazzyjay98

    Needing assistance!

    Apparatly, the support call is made by Kronzky and I think he made the original single player with rocket?
  7. mrjazzyjay98

    Needing assistance!

    Hey, I have been playing dayz for along time now ( sorry about posting it here ) but I really need to know something. I got something called "DaiZy" and that is like a unofficial single player mod for dayz with AI Bandits. Also with that, I downloaded support call which is a mod where you can spawn stuff in (OFFLINE!) and can be used in "DaiZy" Getting to the point at hand, I wanted to know if this software had any key stealers. because i really like dayz and I would hate to lose it. I did scan the software before I installed it with "Microsoft Security Essentials" and that came up with nothing. Do any of you guys have any first hand experience on these mods? Or anyways to double check? Thanks!!!!
  8. REQUIRED Ingame Name : Dean : REQUIRED Skype? : jay.lyle1 : REQUIRED Age? : 14 : UNREQUIRED How long have you been playing? : Near abouts since DayZ started. : UNREQUIRED Have you Been Or Had Any Experience with Bandits? : Yes, i have. I have killed a few and befreinded a few. Both i have had different experiences with. : REQUIRED How long have you been playing DAYZ? : Near abouts since DayZ started. : REQUIRED What Best are you at these classes? You can add as much as you are best of . : I'm more of a CQC guy. I can do a bit of sniper support but taht is not my specialty. I do like the M4 variants and the FN-FAL. Assault Rifles is where i'm at. :
  9. mrjazzyjay98


    Like Global?
  10. mrjazzyjay98


    I heard about duping on youtube and it looked weird. If you do it, do you get banned or something?
  11. mrjazzyjay98

    What kind of zombies should be in DayZ

    A Single bite? People would rage quit too much.
  12. mrjazzyjay98

    Badass camp!

    Ok, yesterday night, around 1:00 AM UK time, i found a load of tents near electro. Unfortunutly, i lost the location of it. I will tell you what i found and i want to know if it's good loot or not. I forgot the server name too. (( Sorry :D )) I found: 4 Ghillie suits, an AS50 with 4 mags. A M4A1 CCO SD with 8 SD STANAGS. M9 SD with 4 mags. 2 NVG'S, Rangefinder, map and Toolbox, entrenching tools, 2 cans of Mountain Dew. I have never found mountain dew before in DayZ so i'm guessing it's rare.