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Everything posted by Elmer_Fudd

  1. Byr we got a MOJOR problem i just logged in and there are hackers on the server goes by the name of Joe M hes blew up the prison killed everyone and spawned in 15 helis i logged off as soon as the boys told me what was happening i hope u can sort this with out having to make everyone loose all stuff again :)
  2. just keep getting connecting failed :( will try again in 5 - 10 mins
  3. hope you can get it sorted real soon buddy i really love this server :)
  4. And again i have been Kicked thanks very much DNZ Joachim this time i was kicked in a bus and i can even find the server now, what a childish pathetic tosser you are
  5. i hope it aint just us 2 confused mabe somthing to do with that hacking guy?
  6. Well today i was killed by some dirty hacker scum, not a good day lost 2 SVD camo's range finder and night vision but most of all i lost my fucking party bus :( Fudd Tours is officially out of business Thanks Byr for trying to help
  7. Its nice to actually find a good server with good people, The party bus will keep on rolling :P
  8. Hey Guys Fudd here, Just wanted to say that this server has the best admin and players i have come across for a long long time. Thank you all for making me welcome and for helping me when i was in need, FUDD TOURS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC bus tour and drop off of Lingor when you need to get somewhere give Fudd Tours a shout 1st ride free after that the bus fair is 1 tin of food or can of soda :)