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Bearded McGee

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Everything posted by Bearded McGee

  1. Whoever had a tractor at NEAF, you are one luck SOB. Almost got close enough.
  2. Sorry about that, was tired of walking. But hey, if you want most of it back, I could arrange it for you to pick most of it back. I'd trade an ATV and a tent for most of it.
  3. Had anything good on you? P.S. To the guy I just killed, I told you to drop your gun. Shouldnt have looked at me...
  4. Alright, did someone crash something just now? Heard what sounded like an artillery shell going off in the distance... Like LOUD!
  5. Bearded McGee

    Hunting; a revamp

    Right now, hunting is not exactly awesome. Rabbits and chicken are ignored in favor of the bigger stuff because they drop less of the same. So, either for the standalone, following a similar system, or for DayZ itself, hunting should be tiered into something else. Making big game easier to get, but less rewarding. Rabbits should drop 1 Rabbit Meat, cooked into Cooked Rabbit; giving off a whooping 1000 blood. For a total of 1000 blood per rabbits. Chicken should drop 2 breast filets, cooked into Cooked Chicken; each giving off 400 blood. For a total of 800 blood per chickens. Goats should drop 2 Goat Steaks, cooked into Cooked Goat Steaks; each giving off 250 blood. For a total of 500 blood per Goats. Boars should drop 4 Swine Chops, cooked into Cooked Chops; each giving off 300 blood. For a total of 1000 blood per boars. Sheep should drop 4 Lamb steaks, cooked into Cooked Lamb Steaks; each giving off 350 blood. For a total of 1400 blood per sheep. Cows should drop 8 steaks, cooked into 8 Steaks; each giving off 200 blood. For a total of 1600 blood per heads. This would make rabbit hunting interesting and hunting in general interesting all the same. When was the last time you saw a rabbit and shot it? I hunt a bit, and rabbit is my favorite game. But in DayZ, they are barely worth a makarov bullet. Leaving the bigger animals for the replenishing of the food meter over the replenishing of blood itself, per storage space. And making smaller, more agile game, more rewarding per piece of meat. Along with this, animals, maybe except cows, should be much more skittish. Considering any pieces of meat would take as much space as the other, I'd say this is balanced enough. I want to get into a deer stand, get my CS 550 and shoot a rabbit our of a bush. Since we're gonna get dogs soon, how about they can go and get a rabbit or a chicken body and bring it back to you?
  6. Loving it so far. Only downside is still the players though. I get the drop on a player, I don't kill him, because. I tell him I'm friendly and that I dun wan no trabble. He turns around, run around a corner, peek out and shoot at me. Didnt get hit then but he eventually broke my legs Get killed shortly afterward. This is what I get for not killing someone. I mean, I had a double-barrel with pellets loaded trained at him, twice, before I told him to be like Fonzy.
  7. At first this really felt like a WTFRUSMOKIN idea to me. Then I remembered I'm not an idiot and gave it some thought. Nice idea, really. But useless. We have no sight on it, trial and error is needed to figure out the exact center of the aim. But above it, I'd love if the crossbow had a ranged no-zoom scope (see attached files) similar to the current M14 AIM. I feel like the crossbow is getting too much hipster love because of how bad it is overall. Mainly because of how each bolt takes up one slot and how crappy the non-existent) sight is. OP, will be trying this out tommorow around 1800h. Or, I'll try and I'll send you an email asking for whitelist.
  8. Bearded McGee

    map maker

    No. If only because I see further. Procedural engines with special seed protocols, making for the creation of maps to be more randomized but easily recognizable by another client's point of view without requiring a big file download to recreate. Mix with and a few other algorithms...
  9. Bearded McGee

    Black Ops mode

    No no, we pretty much understood what you meant. And you must thus understand that our replies are based to such. Reiterating; NO.
  10. Bearded McGee

    Change the M136 to something more usefull?

    Do you know how common those things are beyond the old curtain? Grocery List: eggs milk flour ham pastas cheese motherfucking RPG-7 Considering it has no lock-on capabilities and it's reusable, I'd damn well take it over a backpack. Unlike the M136 which is more of a novelty item, the RPG-7 makes more sense. So yeah, bring in the RPG-7, get rid of the m136 and keep the whole drop-your-backpack-for-this-delicious-candy deal. Bring in two types of rounds. HEAT and HE (or HE Tandem). Make the first one rare already and make the second thrice as rare.
  11. Fuel tanks don't blow up, true. What they can do, especially with straight-metal gas tanks, is catch fire. And once it's going, unless it happens in front of the fire dpt., you wont be stopping and you won't be able to save that car.
  12. Bearded McGee

    Black Ops mode

    Go play some scenarios in Vanilla if you want to play actual missions. Not only does this not fit DayZ, it actually goes AGAINST what makes DayZ, well, DayZ. NO. Also, you remind me of another user I havent seen in a little while...
  13. Bearded McGee

    Standalone: Actual Mtn Dew Curse

    Mt Dew is nothing. Found a can a Dr Pepper the other day. Now, that's something! The adventures I've had with this can, haha.
  14. Bearded McGee

    Jamming the Run "W" Button

    So, no one else has a turbo/autopilot key on their keyboard? Press and hold W Press the magic key Let go ta-daaaa
  15. Bearded McGee

    Awesomeness that is L85A2 AWS

    And the only thing an opinion then entitles you to is being wrong. Not pointing at this argument, just saying that "it's my opinion" is not an argument. Thermal scopes and anti-material rifles have no place in a zombie game. Oh yes, might you say that it's realistic. The apocalypse didnt destroy them all. But, DayZ stays a videogame which cannot escape the limitations of itself. A line must be drawn between realism and balance. And it should be drawn before we get to those elements. The game should try to emulate other works about zombies like 28 Days Later, Dawn Of The Dead and The Walking Dead (the comic, mostly. The show as backup). Never did see any of those items in those.
  16. Yep, I did the whole shebang. Got a pistol and the odd shotgun/lee/1866 and roamed the streets of Cherno and Elektro between the setting and the rising of the solar disc. Had a whole lot of good times, I got killed often but I never got geared up beyond ammo and beans/water. Met more friendlies than ever. Quite a few good stories overall. Now, I'm thinking of taking upon the mantle of the noble Highwayman. Well, more like a footpad. We have no horses in DayZ. (You learn things everyday) I'm wanting to pick a few spots maybe on a certain server and setting up control points. Maybe getting a friend or two to help me in this. So, I'm looking for tips and some information. One big question I have is about how Wire Fences react to vehicles. My best guest is that a vehicle can destroy it like it can destroy tents. I'd like confirmation. Creating barriers out of tank traps only would require more time and materiel. Any good ambush points and locations some of you might know? I'm thinking of either the Factory, north of Solnichniy using the two bridges as choke points or just west of Kamyshovo vis-a-vis the natural rock-faces so to create a better chokepoint. I'm not looking for kills but to remove the superfluous weight from those weary survivors and maybe netting a single vehicle before just taking a toll fee off the travellers. You know, protection money.
  17. Bearded McGee

    FN FAL the best all rounder?

    No love for the AKM? People tend to ignore the Brutus of all Assault Rifles. Ammo for it is everywhere, even more common than DMR mags, which is saying. Not as damaging, but the zeroing makes it for a better long range gun than the M14 itself. Also a higher fire rate than the FN FAL and a higher effective fire rate than the M14. As an added bonus, people tend less to pussy-out of fights if they hear an AKS/AK74/AK74-K/AKM (most players can't differentiate the sound past a short range) than if they hear a M14/DMR/M24/FN FAL being shot. I investigate AK/AKM shots, I run away from M14/DMR/M24/FN FAL shots.
  18. Bearded McGee

    Awesomeness that is L85A2 AWS

    Great gun to have. It killed the game when I had it. It seriously has no place in a zombie game.
  19. Bearded McGee

    explosive tip bolts

    Actually, you don't bleed from an arrow as long as it's there. The bolt/arrow shaft usually seal the wound. I'd like a debuff as long as an arrow is still lodged into a player, when removed it creates a bleeding effect until bandaged. Say, permanent "pain" which would only be temporarily fixed by painkillers. Remove the arrow/bolt, bandage, then painkillers. Otherwise, the "pain" effect would just come back after a minute or so. Also, arrow wounds carry a MUCH greater chance of infection. Unlike bullets, arrows/bolts are most often unclean and dirty. Yeah, I'd use those.
  20. Bearded McGee

    Avoid Fallout Shelter AU Fallujah map

    Might very well be. Or not, seeing a new account (I'm looking at you, kaos) pop up for the single purpose to deny any sort of dubious behaviour beside the main concerned seems iffy. Of course, private hive. So, no real recourse beside flipping the admins/owner off and walking away in style.
  21. Bearded McGee

    Avoid [60+ Vehicles] Active Admin private hive

    Bearded McGee here. I can confirm, i was in the server as those events unfolded. At least, as much as can be seen via the sidechat. Friend got kicked for "running his mouth" twice. Both times we were in direct coms with two other survivors. All the while ACTUAL skiddies spawned things. Remember those two other guys I was talking about? They spawned the Glory Cardboard Box after asking me and a friend to keep it a secret. Which I'm half keeping, I'm no divulging names. They were not kicked off nor banned, even though I heard them mention that they had been caught before and giving a little slap on the wrist, almost a penance. --- To expand, I didn't actually take anything, --- But yeah, the admin(s) were doing some serious monkey business. In all, I had a good time and I personally had no trouble but from what I've seen, it's a server best avoided indeed.
  22. Bearded McGee

    “Hand’s Up” Emote

    There's the surrender move, but it's either borked or incomplete. I'd love an actual HANDS-UP-BEETCH-'TIS-BE-A-ROBBIN' move. Say it also made you drop you gun? Actually being on the ground, the would be bandit could than take it from you.
  23. Bearded McGee

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    I can tell you flying the AN-2 Colt on DayZ Takistan is really fun. Yeah, I'd like to see it in DayZ Vanilla.