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About TehG00SE

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    Tampa Bay; Florida
  1. TehG00SE

    Did you Lost All Your Gear When You Changed Server?

    Same, thhhaaaatttss Alpha, take:2 tomorrow! =)
  2. TehG00SE

    You feel thirsty... FFFFFFF

    From what I've read thus far, Eating and Drinking may be "fixing" a multitude of bodily "needs". Such as wanting to sleep, being tired, being hungry, thirsty, sick, w/e. Perhaps that's the reason for the constant spam, when you ate and satisfied your hunger, your still wanting to sleep, or what ever the case may be. Eat again, after I started eating and drinking more often I seemed to have much less spam past the being "wore-down" from running. (JUST A GUESS) I did like the HUD in the Mod, however; I think the txt identifiers, and possibly some other things like stomachs growling and things like that would go a long way with immersion and getting the point across. I also noticed before dying a horrible death to starving and cutting myself rummaging though a car (Yea.. no idea.. opened door to a car and I started whining about feeling blood on my shirt) any-who, when I was dying of hunger, having cans of food an no way of opening them (that's just cruel btw) that my whiney little messages started showing up BOLD AND RED or just red.. nonetheless, got the point across. Even adding color stages to the txt warnings could appease both sides and their needs/wants.