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About aldrag

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Dunedin, New Zealand
  1. aldrag

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    I think your computer uses this graphics card (integrated with the CPU). Your CPU is better though.
  2. Pretty damn sure setting shadows to Very High or High will increase frames opposed to having it below high. Because CPU renders shadows below high and GPU renders shadows High and Very high.
  3. What time does server maintenance happen this Wednesday? Because I've heard that that is when the new stable patch is being released?
  4. aldrag

    1pp Sound issues

    No problems for me
  5. aldrag


    Because the server does a lot more work now and they want the loot respawn in the game once they have made the loot tables MUCH more efficient.
  6. aldrag

    Funny DayZ bandit moment

    Puta is b**** in spanish :P You poor poor soul. I guess at night time, it's pretty much impossible to be able to tell who shot you.
  7. aldrag

    Funny DayZ bandit moment

    First time we have used it ;) We always get shot from there so thought we should try it :P
  8. aldrag

    Funny DayZ bandit moment

    Hahaha that is so epic! xD Damn shame you got killed by a guy with a pistol straight after. But I guess that's DayZ for ya :P One of my main gripes at the moment is the AMOUNT of desync going on. When people sprint, they just go all over the place. Makes trying to hit a moving target almost impossible.
  9. aldrag

    Funny DayZ bandit moment

    When did I say we combat logged? We hate combat loggers. it's our first time camping in that building actually :P But not much else to do in the game atm.
  10. My friend and I were hiding in the apartment building opposite the central firestation in Elektro (where everyone goes to snipe). We both were watching the tower of the firestation through our windows for any unlucky targets. Two guys suddenly appeared at the second level of the firestation tower, (one guy with an M4 and another with another gun). They were both chatting away with voice on direct chat. My friend fired an sks round into his gut and the victim suddenly screamed, "You F***in' f**k! You F***IN' F**K!" while blasting his full clip into the guy beside him xD He was still blasting him as the guy was laying dead on the ground as well xD So obviously he must have thought the random beside him shot him, instead of us xD Was bloody hilarious for my friend and I!
  11. I presume they will do a Database wipe on the 12th if that is the issue then
  12. Oh wow that's interesting! :O What server location do you play on?
  13. Of course there is no definitive fix. Too hard to pinpoint what is actually crashing it atm. I remember my friend and I found a pocket of area that we would crash if we went anywhere near it on a certain server. Was very strange.
  14. Been experiencing a lot more crashes than usual in this current stable patch. Is this just me or is everyone else getting the same issue?
  15. aldrag

    PC will work for Dayz?

    More than good enough for those games bud