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Everything posted by manwitdaplan

  1. Theres been a lot of complaining and QQing on the forums about hackin' n shit for a while now so i thought i'd just make this post to give you it from the perspective of a hacker and da reasons for why we do this. I started playing dayz like i dunno 3 weeks ago? i really liked it and me and my friends all got into it really fast and started playing everyday and we had a blast. Problem was tho, people are such douche bags. We just wanted to play and not be harassed by assholes who'd shoot us n' shit just to ruin our fun. I never shot ANYONE and id always ask people 'hey friendly?' and they'd just FUCKING SHOOT YOU. NO REASON! we'd try to shoot back with our shitty little makarovs and shotguns but they always had WAY WAYYYYY better weapons. It just wasn't fair at all. Like, what right do you have to just be an asshole and shoot me? What have I done to you? So if people wanna be assholes I thought shit, why not level the playing field? I'd only, ONLY use scripts to spawn in weapons for myself and my bros, cuz it was obvious we were never gonna get good shit when everyone just kills us all the time. And the ONLY TIME i'd use god mode is if someone shot me for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON and I'd spawn back at them and kill them for being assholes. Like if I shot at someone and they killed me, that's cool cuz I sort of deserved it. But just people fucking pking me when I've done jack shit to them? No thanks. I don't kill whole servers or teleport people to me for the lulz, I just do it so shit is FAIR for once. I know a lot of people will hate, but I just wanted to get that out there, so you see we aren't all douche bag assholes doing it for no reason. Thanks.
  2. manwitdaplan

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    Lots of PMs asking for me to give them weapons. :)
  3. manwitdaplan

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    This guy gets it. I got the RIGHT to kill someone if they shoot me for no reason, without provocation. Sure, if I shoot at them they can shoot back. Back just randomly killing me? Nah no thanks that shit is gay.
  4. manwitdaplan

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    Banned, from the game? Lmao. Battleye ain't catching people, they get the odd person because those people are idiots. It's SO FUCKING EASY to NEVER get caught. Nothins happened yet, lets see if it does?
  5. manwitdaplan

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    You're not smarter. You're. And we are levelling the playing field, cuz someone that shoots a player with a pistol when they got a sniper rifle is just being an asshole, end of.
  6. manwitdaplan

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    Wow, way to be mature, bro. I ain't here to insult people so I just won't respond to this nonsense. And for the record I didn't get 'pwned', I got killed by ASSHOLES who had like sniper rifles n shit? How my meant to fight against that when you start with painkillers and a torch? All I do is make shit FAIR for me and my buddies, but the pking shoot on sight crowd just don't like that because they don't have the advantage anymore. Moral of the story is not to shoot on sight cuz someone might be smarter than you in the end.
  7. manwitdaplan

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    Eh, nah bro. I wouldn't use god mode in a fight just cuz I could, I'd only use it if someone killed me for NO REASON whatsoever. One time we were riding through elektro on our ATV and some guys just started shooting at us, no asking if we're friendly, we didnt provoke them, nothing. They just wanted our shit cuz they didnt have it. So after they killed my buddy i just put on god mode and delt with them. Their fault for being pking assholes.