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About Argarbargar

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Argarbargar

    DayZ Stories

    So I am in a full 60 person server, and on TS me and a couple guys are collaborating with a heli pilot to ask people in side chat if they want to get picked up, then proceed to blast them away as they get close for the lulz. It turns out that the pilot was incredibly stoned, so when we got everybody into the helicopter he started to ascend to about 700 meters in to the air. He says "watch this guys" as he attempts a shoddy front flip, losing about 400 meters before he even gets upside down. By this point we are pretty sure we are gonners so we are freaking out not thinking to eject as we are 100 meters from hitting the ground and he has finally leveled out. We crash land and everyone gets knocked out and two of the guys die instantly. I am unconscious for about 30 seconds and quickly I attempt to bandage myself knowing I am bleeding. When I finish bandaging myself I check my debug monitor and notice that I have 71 blood from the crash. I was literally seconds away from dying, but I manage to survive with minimal blood and a broken leg. I ended up crawling all the way to Elektro to meet up with a guy who I helped get a 50 cal sniper from some silly guy running in the fields. He patched me up and I was good to go.
  2. Argarbargar

    Respawn at the beach and gear loss

    Put me in the camp that is finished with the game until this is confirmed as fixed for good. I cannot spend hours finding all the loot I need then lose it all across the entire distance of the map and have to run to my body (which was never killed) just to keep playing on every log-in. That's not fun for me.