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About Someguywhoplaysgames

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  1. My friend made a dayz server without battleye with a goal for a cheating type sandbox mode dayz server. I want to know if i go on there with the scripts will i get globally banned?
  2. Someguywhoplaysgames

    Player made maps.

    Anyone know of any news of what the standalone game will have?
  3. Someguywhoplaysgames

    Player made maps.

    Huh, well it was just an idea. But back to the topic at hand, if rocket is doing something like this were you could travel the world in a zombie Apocalypse then i'm going to like the future stand alone game
  4. Someguywhoplaysgames

    Fail Log of the innocent survivor

    Some bandits stole a chopper and "hid" it in a field near cherno, me and a couple friends went there to grab it. It went down like this >we are flying through the air >fucking sweet >go to the NW airfield >first air raid >get sniped and crash blowing up the only chopper i've ever had
  5. Someguywhoplaysgames

    Player made maps.

    True, what about human error like chernobyl? I'm not saying it exploded in a glorious explosion like a nuke. Its just a creepy part of the world you wonder into, some villages and houses here and there with a few zombies.
  6. Someguywhoplaysgames

    Player made maps.

    Over all, these are great ideas, wish we could do this.
  7. Someguywhoplaysgames

    Player made maps.

    Love it, i always wondered why you couldn't just brake the door down with a hatchet. Off topic but another awesome thing would be having a blown up nuclear power plant. Think of it, a nuclear power plant in a zombie Apocalypse would end up melting down. The player would have to deal with radiation also.
  8. Someguywhoplaysgames

    Player made maps.

    But i love the idea of having a map where clans would clash, i could not tell you how many times I've either died or almost died from heavy clan wars in cherno/elektro. Imagine if someone made something where you could make your own vehicles and weapons for your map. It would be complicated. But awesome, like having a large farm land someone could have wandered into and the posiblity of finding a combine instead of a tractor or a pitch fork instead of a hatchet or have full bottles of whiskey you can make molotovs out of or drink like 2 or so and your screens gets blurred. Just a couple ideas.
  9. Someguywhoplaysgames

    Player made maps.

    That sounds awesome, hope it gets made. Mine would be one you could drive to from another map. You start out seeing rolling hills of the country side, off in the distance you see the silhouette of large buildings, some in ruins as if the city had a fire. When you get close cars start piling up in the streets. You end up driving past suburbs where most the houses are you can go into. When you get close you see the wreackage of a large plane, as if it fell out of the sky and crashed into the city. The skyscraper you can go into and find some good loot and the buildings would make a amazing sniper spot. The plane wreckage would have the best loot, but with the zombies filling the streets, its very dangerous. Just an idea i had off the top of my head. Just imagine a city like Seattle with a dayz feel to it. Dozens of skyscrapers and small buildings which you can loot. Just making dayz have that feel of adventure and the feel of going into the unpredictable unknown with your group of friends in dayz.
  10. Someguywhoplaysgames

    Player made maps.

  11. Someguywhoplaysgames

    Player made maps.

    That's what i was thinking
  12. Someguywhoplaysgames

    Player made maps.

    Not that I know of
  13. Someguywhoplaysgames

    Player made maps.

    Does anyone know of a program where you can make a map simple for dayz or know if it is in development or something? Because i've always wanted to make a big ass city map Moscow.
  14. Someguywhoplaysgames

    Player made maps.

    With the new map,lingor island, I came up with an idea. Bare with me on this, in my opinion i think this would make the game more interesting and more realistic in size. Have a program where you can make your own maps for dayz and be able to upload them to a site were other people can vote for the best ones,have it set up like the team fortress 2 workshop, shows a video of the map and what it has on it, if the author wants to, could also add a link to download it and try it out. The highest voted will be added to the stand alone game. There's exceptions, like adding a map with billions of helicopters on it or one with AS50 falling from the sky like rain. Now, what would be the point of this? Being able to travel to each map from Chernarus. The roads would have country side or mountainous trees, which would repeat tell you end up teleported to another region. hopefully as smooth as possible. Imagine traveling with your group, seeing different places of the world. Each highly rated map that works would be added in each update or so of the stand alone game making the world endless. Each different sizes, one could be like a dense city with sky scrapers and suburbs and one could be large farm land (Example Chernarus is 14x12 and Lingor Island is 10x10) There could also be island, get a boat, sail to see, you will end up at somewhere. Tell me what you think of this idea.