This game is is Now unplayable. The amount of hackers playing/hacking this game are obscene. Running through electro with a friend minding my own buisiness... suddenly AS50 shots coming from everywhere, like rapid fire as though it is automatic. then we both drop and fall unconcious, 2 guys in ghillies run out and start shouting,"that's what happens when you fuck with hackers LOL! Did you expect to kill us when we have god mode? what did you think your gunna do when we have unlimeted ammo and god mode mate?" It is now pathetic you cant go on a single server without people just scripting their AS50's and camping on the coast being "Trolls" as they call it. It's just being a nob. Hope things change when the standalone comes out, cause it really is a problem, Battleeye, to put it brief, Sucks. NerfGoboo