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42 Good


About team_player

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  • Gender
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    Australia, NSW

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  • Bio
    I started DayZ around October 2012 and am aiming to create a variety of DayZ episodes involving me and my team. Check my youtube channel and give em a watch

  1. team_player

    Australian DayZ Community

    Well all aussies add me if you want some fun :) http://steamcommunity.com/id/6yearold
  2. team_player

    Update me and my brain

    That's so crap, like having to stay on 1 server constantly and having to get passwords and whitelists. Far out life used to be simpler. Why can't they just stop being lazy and put an end to these script kiddies.
  3. Well I've just come back to DayZ after about a month of and was wondering what's going on whats changed whats better whats worse? Last time I played it was just f*^(%&* crazy hacker wise. So and update would be nice before I play thanks :)
  4. team_player

    DMR or AS50?

    AS50 is the best gun available yes it can't be used at night but that's why it's restricted cause it's just that amazing. Just keep an AS50 for day and carry a second sniper rifle in your bag for night
  5. http://steamcommunity.com/id/6yearold
  6. team_player

    Newcomer LFG

  7. team_player

    DayZ Elite - Challenge Yourself.

    Add me http://steamcommunity.com/id/6yearold
  8. team_player

    HL === Humanitys last=== recruitment

    Everybody dance now http://steamcommunity.com/id/6yearold
  9. team_player

    |v| Ventrix United - Youtube Team coming soon!

    Add me :) http://steamcommunity.com/id/6yearold
  10. team_player

    [O9] Circle 9 is now recruiting!

    Everyone add me http://steamcommunity.com/id/6yearold
  11. team_player

    Anyone looking to join a group ?

  12. team_player

    would like to teamup now :)

    http://steamcommunity.com/id/6yearold add me on steam :)
  13. team_player

    Looking for a couple others

  14. team_player

    Hey DayZ noobie over here!

    Add me dude http://steamcommunity.com/id/6yearold
  15. team_player

    Looking for people to play with

    Add me :) http://steamcommunity.com/id/6yearold