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About cobaas@live.ie

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Waterford, Ireland
  • Interests
    Art, photography, DayZ!, PC, building rigs for friends and family - and selling a few on the side!

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  • Bio
    Have a degree in Fine Art but currently working in a call centre while i finsih my Bachelors Degree in Computer Science, doing part time experience as an IT consultant and system admin, gotta get that experience!
  1. cobaas@live.ie

    Cities were supposed to be riddles with diseases?

    Yeah same, i was sitting at work, listening to someone moan about the phone plan - when this came to mind about the diseases and what was happening with them! ...I clearly love my job
  2. cobaas@live.ie

    Cities were supposed to be riddles with diseases?

    check this post for the diseases! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/107637-feedback-on-status-of-infectious-diseases-in-dayz/ Kudos for B4GEL for finding it!
  3. cobaas@live.ie

    Cities were supposed to be riddles with diseases?

    yeah brilliant bit of info there if anyone has read what Rocket posted about the diseases then its definately worth a read! most likely will be a part of the diseases that will be in Q1 of 2015
  4. cobaas@live.ie

    Cities were supposed to be riddles with diseases?

    Couldn't see anything about it on there.. Have it bookmarked though :D cheers!
  5. I remember to a time before standalone, well a couple of weeks really if I remember right, but The devs were saying that they were going to make area's where players were killed ofter, Cherno, Elektro, Major Cities, etc. were going to become filthy with diseases and zombies would be attracted - I know the zombie numbers will increase further into the year, espiecially with the new renderer, but I haven't heard a thing about the medical / disease aspect that they were talking about, couldn't see anything on the roadmap about it either and it sounded like a really cool idea! Have any of you heard a thing about this or about whether it's been scrapped or not?
  6. cobaas@live.ie

    cherno bell

    ....... we dont
  7. cobaas@live.ie

    Long range shout / scream

    Good point, i was just thinking of atmospherically speaking, a scream for a fall is a nice touch though!
  8. cobaas@live.ie

    Long range shout / scream

    So whoever played the mod would know that if you got knocked out and a zed was eating you (or doing the eating animation because they don't eat flesh.......) you'd remember the shouts and screams from the player! Be great if these sounds were brought back eh? Or if you were being chased by alot of zeds if your character would get upset? Or if you were in extreme pain - shot to bits / broken legs / something painful / dying would result in a loud scream that could be heard from a good distance away Nightime would be terrifying! Any thoughts?
  9. cobaas@live.ie

    I don't get why you'd play this over the mod?

    Same here man, must be something wrong with us then eh? :P
  10. cobaas@live.ie

    I don't get why you'd play this over the mod?

    I assume that you probably play epoch and the like then? When the mod first came out it was a harsh game, when the modders took over almost all went for the base building / rust experience after DayZ+ (a few months after release) Only mods like Namalsk and DayZero actually made the mod a little harder - namalsk was very cold - and DayZero was very little food or guns to get by on, a true DayZ experience Which is what the Standalone is going for - a realistic apocalypse - to the extent of gameplay of course - no Sky towers and everyone with Armored Tanks and BDRM's is ridiculous - when and if it gets modded again this may suit your taste better, but myself and a few others im sure prefer searching for ammo, and having that moment when you actually find a handfull of rounds for that magnum... Glorious
  11. cobaas@live.ie

    I'm Freezing, wait, why?!

    I personally like it as it currently is - otherwise going for a run and you start overheating - especially in ghillie's - and you have to go lay in a pond to cool off quickly - just means that you can't stay still for too long - but if you put you're tinned food into a fire it will warm up and actually keeps you warm for a while!
  12. cobaas@live.ie

    Spawning naked?

    It happens when you die, and then respawn in close to when a server restarts - when this happens your character can't connect to the server and that little bridge at Vybor is actually the Debug zone (in the mod it was way out in the plains with no trees) so when something goes wrong it basically spawns you in there. CommanderPixel on Youtube does a great vid on explaining why it happens
  13. cobaas@live.ie

    Swords and castles spawns - seeking advice

    The man I was named after.. I'm on the same pligrimage as you, and I am yet to find the Macleod Longsword Maybe we should meet one day and have a battle to determine who may last :D
  14. cobaas@live.ie

    Permanent Night servers

    haha be nice wouldn't it? The Ping is set fairly high because we all live in Ireland and the UK, but theres a guy in our group from the states that is able to play on it!
  15. cobaas@live.ie

    Should Human Meat attract Zombies?

    So as we all know, Cannibalism is in - we can kill a guy and eat him - very satisfying Downsides to Cannibalism as it stands are Kuru - Uncontrollable Crying and/or Laughing What I was thinking was adding another layer to the mechanic - when you have raw human steaks, they can be thrown and that will attract a zombie to them, that way we don't necessarily have to eat them, but they can still be used and be effective! And it would also help in stealth when the zombie AI is implemented Any thoughts?