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About RedBoss

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Running towards cherno! And i get hit by a truck :( Meh talk about an orgasmic fail! Post your fails :D
  2. RedBoss

    Molotovs and other craftables

    i searched it like 5 times nothing shows up
  3. RedBoss

    Dynamic Physics system!

    yah ragdoll would be good but it can be kind of unrealistic at times
  4. Please Please Please, I really pray that there will be a better kill physics system, I noticed in the mod while shooting a zombie point blank with my trusty shotty that all that happened was a premade animation. Please improve this in the standalone
  5. Ever had that erge to set fire to 10 zeds all at once?? I mean what else are you gonna do with all those empty whiskey bottles? Creating craftable consumables like molotovs would be crazy. just a quick fix to stop a few zombies you know. caltrops? makeshift bottlecap mines? I think it would be great to make a use for junk in the game. so when you find that empty piece of crap you can turn that frown upside down and make some havoc. ~ RedBoss