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About XanTos_the_Insane

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. XanTos_the_Insane

    Combat Logger Killed by Chopper

    GTFO nazi fag
  2. XanTos_the_Insane

    2 computers, will same character work?

    The charakter is not saved on your hard disk drive, is it? :blink:
  3. XanTos_the_Insane

    Unconscious every time I spawn

    I found a solution! Wait 5 minutes until you can play. Now you must get a shock again (for example crawling througt a door and turn mouse around), then wait until the shock is gone and the next time you log in you are cured.
  4. XanTos_the_Insane

    5 Minutes Unconscious after each Login

    lulz. BTT: I found a solution! You must get a shock again (for example crawling througt a door and turn mouse around), then wait until the shock is gone and the next time you log in you are cured
  5. Hello. i got summoned by a cheater last Sunday (19. Aug.) on Server DE 1438. I left the game by pressing alt+f4 during shooting, since this i am unconscious for 5 minutes everytime after i logged in. What i already tried: - waited 5 minutes, after that i was able to play without any problems. logged out without shock or anything else, but when i log in again i am unconscious again and again and again Is there a way to fix this or what can i do? Didn't find a solution by using google. Sorry for bad english skills. Greetings from Germany EDIT: