Viewing Topic: Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - -- SA Server is up !!!
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Viewing Topic: [REVIEW] Dynamic Spawning of Infected
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Viewing Topic: How long tents/barrels last?
Viewing Topic: Banned for playing the game please help
Viewing Topic: Warning: Suspicious download links, teamviewer and CD-Key theft
Viewing Topic: The complete thread about serial/cd-key problems
1 minute ago
Viewing Topic: Rain is back
Viewing Profile: Bj88s
Viewing Topic: Day Z Is Going In the Right Direction
Viewing Topic: FIX - Addon 'CorePatch' requires addon 'CAAir_ACR_L159'
Viewing Topic: DayZ Commander not working? Read this. [DayZ-Launcher - the new alternative]
Viewing Topic: Bad Version, Server Rejected Connection. Any / All problems regarding Beta-Patches for ARMA 2: OA
Viewing Forum: DayZ Mod Troubleshooting