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Dr Wasteland MD

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Hey buddy hop on to the Teamspeak and we will help you asap.


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A: Your in-game name: Micha LNH

B: Your condition/ailments: Broken Leg

C: Your location: Msta

D: Normal skin equipped with an ALICE pack.

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Hey buddy, care to hop on to our teamspeak so we can communicate with you a little easyer?

address: ts.dayzmedics.com

(im heading to msta now.)

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Hi there TMW Se7eN,

first of all thanks for your medic-help-offer.

Can´t send you a private message, so I post here.

Sorry, but normally ill be back online ingame at the earliest tomorrow.

I´m an old man ;-) and don’t use TS or have any headset.

So which server I have to join and whats your ingame name?


Edited by Micha LNH HSV

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Well im actually at your location now, but the server will be US2419, and my ingame name is [TMW] Se7eN.

Edited by TMW Se7eN

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No worries, any idea were in msta you are?

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nevermind :/

Edited by OsamaBinLaden

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Hello there,

Care to hop to our teamspeak? and we can try get you in contact with a near by medic ASAP.


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A: Your in-game name: Matt

B: Your condition/ailments: Extremely Low on Blood and in Pain

C: Your location - Barracks of NWAF (The SW Barracks, not near the Firestation)

D: A general description of your character: Normal Skin

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Heya buddy, we have a bunch of medics currently on standby, care to head to our teamspeak and we will get to you ASAP.

teamspeak address:


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Thanks Se7evn. Your boys saved my ass, and hooked me up with some food and ammo. Appreciate it.

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Your more than welcome buddy, Feel free to give us a shout if you need us again.

Also just like to give a shout out to TMW MD and TMW Kichilron for joining me on this medic Op.

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Hey gang, I'm in desperate need of blood transfusion, i'm currently located near Zelenogorsk in the supermarket and am quite afraid of traveling, since my blood level is about 1 .. I'm willing to give up my Map and/or CZ550 (i'm not a bandit and have little use for it, but I lost my binoculars somehow, so i use it as that) to the kind medic that would come and save my life.. If need be, I can also throw in my Military flashlight (to exchange with an ordinairy one, of course).

Thanks to anyone in advance - I can't wait to get playing on the official servers again.

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Hi obi,

We would be pleased to help you out in your time of need.

Do you have teamspeak installed? That is the easiest way for us to coordinate your rescue.

Teamspeak address: ts.dayzmedics.com

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Yes, I have teamspeak, whats the server I should join?

Also, sorry for not filing a proper request:

in-game name: obi_lipnik

condition: severe bloodloss

location: Zelenogorsk; The supermarket

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Ok, come to the temaspeak server:


And hop in the "help needed" channel

I can tell you which game server to join once you're on teamspeak

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Hey gang, I'm in desperate need of blood transfusion, i'm currently located near Zelenogorsk in the supermarket and am quite afraid of traveling, since my blood level is about 1 .. I'm willing to give up my Map and/or CZ550 (i'm not a bandit and have little use for it, but I lost my binoculars somehow, so i use it as that) to the kind medic that would come and save my life.. If need be, I can also throw in my Military flashlight (to exchange with an ordinairy one, of course).

Thanks to anyone in advance - I can't wait to get playing on the official servers again.

Thanks to MD and Twitchy for the double blood transfusion and the medical supplies. :) What a great service.

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A: Your in-game name: Fraggloid

B: Your condition/ailments: Low on Blood

C: Your location - be specific (include nearest town and coordinates, if possible): Elektro Hospital.

D: A general description of your character: Hero Skin, British Assault Pack, beard.

EDIT: I was treated by Saucy within 5-10 minutes, and given a ride elsewhere. Thanks for the help!

Edited by Fraggloid

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A: Your in-game name: Fraggloid

B: Your condition/ailments: Low on Blood

C: Your location - be specific (include nearest town and coordinates, if possible): Elektro Hospital.

D: A general description of your character: Hero Skin, British Assault Pack, beard.

Fraggloid!!!!!! The cheek!

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