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WTT SVD CAMO w/ 10 mags for...

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M107 with at least 4 mags, prefer more. Only legit traders... if you never post... well I don't trust you.

If you have more than 4 mags I'll throw in my only satchel charge.

I'll take an AS50 w/ equal mags.. prefer more once again. NO TWS AS50 (Hacked crap deserves to be burried on a dead zombie).

I am not a chern/elek noob killer... need it for my group. Just haven't found one in a while.

For Trade... SVD Camo + 10 Mags. For M107 Preferred. If 4 or more mags for the 107, i'll throw in my only satchel charge.

I'm a legit player, not a hero, but thats because other people shoot at me first. I'm an active forum poster. Message me.

Walking my dog be back in ~5min.


Merrfack (not in game name)

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My my, another legit player who prefers the M107 over the AS50. :D

I have 2 at my camp, but current;y no SVD's, so I'll trade with you if you like. I am a Hero in game, so theres no reason to shoot/not trust me.

Just pm the server and such, and I'll make my way towards my camp and get my M107 for trading (got my M24, because it's more accurate and my 2nd fav gun behind the M107). We dislike Satchel charges, so I'll give you 6 mags for it if you like, but I do not want the charge. :P

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I have a m107 on me at the moment with 6 mags I am north of Cherno and will be happy to trade

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I would but someone raided my camp while I was sleeping and took literally everything :( bah, guess it was going to get found eventually

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