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Directional Sound Reversed

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Hey all,

I'm getting a weird problem with my sound when I play ArmA2/DayZ.

Directional audio is reversed, so some noise happening to the right gets played through the left side of my headset (genius HS-04SU)

Using mumble, which seems to support directional sound....

so, anyone have any ideas? It gets kind of annoying, because everytime you hear something, you have to actually remind yourself that it is in the opposite direction :dodgy:

EDIT: Seems like there is a range of causes for this, but I believe I have it narrowed down to the wiring between the front green/pink sound plugs and the motherboard, pretty sure they need to be swapped around. New PC next week though, so I won't bother.

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I have been experiencing this very same problem and it's most certainly not caused by hardware since I haven't changed anything before it started happening. What were the other possible causes OP? This is getting on my nerves.

EDIT. Just as randomly as it started, it has also stopped. I'm suspecting voip calls somehow are the evil behind this, was using skype at the time since steam was down.

Edited by samzala

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