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Hostage stories

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So I've been wondering what the best hostage stories you guys have are. Anyone can take a hostage and rob or kill him but have any of you guys done anything really lulzworthy to your hostages? Let's hear it.

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Not necessarily hostage stories but friends and I have picked up random people and made them hatchet fight to the death.. If someone won a few times in a row we would offer them gear and such.

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Not necessarily hostage stories but friends and I have picked up random people and made them hatchet fight to the death.. If someone won a few times in a row we would offer them gear and such.

I remember watching a video on youtube of people doing just that, kind of why I started to the thread in the first place.

Edited by HeartBreak301

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I remember watching a video on youtube of people doing just that, kind of why I started to the thread in the first place.

I think I got a couple videos up of us doing it, at least one for sure. Mostly driving around with a black SUV on private hives picking people up. It is so damn funny.

Edited by terrex

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Ok, here's one.

I spawned in Elektro and immediately went around the city and came from behind to make sure their was no fellow Bandit camping the fire station. Once the hill was clear I ran down to the station and found a AKM with three mags, I continued up to the top of the fire station where I found a M9SD With four clips. (This server changed the loot tables) As soon as I got outside the station I heard 2, maybe 3 URAL's, I wasn't really sure. Then from behind I heard a Helicopter, now me being the little curious dumbass I am decided to go see what was going on. Turn out a Clan of heavily armed players were taking Elektro, and hostages. As soon as I was in sight of the URAL a voice from behind told me to "Drop my weapon or I'd be dead" So I did as I was told and dropped the AKM And M9, they took the weapons and put them in the URAL, by this time the Helicopter was landing on the Hospital roof and armed players were getting out. Most of them looked like they had M14's or M4A1's but atleast 4-6 of them had AS50's so they led me to a wall and told me to put my hands up, I did as I was told and waited for further instructions. A few minutes later they came back with 5 more players and a wounded one, we all had our backs to the wall and didn't know what to do. I decided I'd try and act like I new one of them, bad idea I was shot in the leg, given morphine and a blood transfusion and told to "Shut Up" So I thought shit just got real, I called my Squad on Skype and told them to get their asses over to Elektro. They all were on Sniper hill within 10 minutes with AS50's and DMR's pointing at our takers heads and a rush team with M249's and M14's ready to rush on my go. My snipers started shooting and distracted the enemys long enough for us to run, they yelled saying that if we didn't get back they'd kill us, no such luck. One of the enemy squad members ran to the Ural and started driving away, my friend shot him out of the drivers seat and killed him instantly. I ran and got a AS50 out of the URAL and ran back to where our snipers had the guys pinned down, I told them to drop their weapons and to put their hands up, they all obeyed and raised their hands. I asked for the one who shot me and he stepped forward, I executed him with my AS50 and his the body, my entire squad was in the city now with me, I laughed at them and say'd "Counter hold up" two of them laughed and say'd "F*** you buddy just f*** you" So I walked up and shot them in the head, I asked if anyone else would like to speak up and I got a silence, I asked them why they were taking Elektro and they said they were to secure the city while another company moved in to prepare for a Clan battle, I laughed again and said "Good luck winning that" and my friends and I lit them up. We took the heli after moving all the loot from the URALS to it and flew off, after 10 minutes we got shot down and all died.

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Me and a friend of mine used to play on a server. The server had sidechat and we would hang around elektro or starry doing general bandit things. One day we see this guy running with an ak to the firestation coming from the railroad tracks in elektro. We were behind it headed there anyway so we both slipped in the back door and waited for him to come in side and we yelled for him to drop his weapons, he proceeded to. We didnt actually take much i dont think, maybe some meat and ammo. But anyways over time we became friends and both our clans became friendly to each other and we pretty much ran shit on that server until the owner shut it down.

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Yesterday I found a group of 6 unarmed bambis in Solnchniy. I was the only one with a gun so I treated them like a herd, it then came to my attention one of the players is from my hometown of only 100,000. Which was kinda awesome, within the next 5 minutes someone must have heard my shots, and while being pre-occupied with my herd all 7 of us were gunned down by a cruel human being, hope they enjoy their new bandage collection.

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