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Experienced player looking for a clan or small group.

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My name is paradox, I'm 24, from the U.S. (Central time) I'm an experienced player in terms of the mod and the vanilla game, I've been playing ARMA since the first day it came out. I usually play with a group of 3-4 guys but they just aren't as active as I'd like to be. I would like to be in a group of guys who are chill, can joke around, but when trouble presents itself can become serious, use communication, strategy, tactics, and doesn't panic. I don't like playing with or being around reckless players. I've been burned a lot trying to trust people in this game, so my usual play style is to usually shoot anyone north of the coastal cities on site. I usually use TeamSpeak 3, but am willing to use skype, ventrilo, or mumble also. Would prefer to play with mature people who are at least 16+.

I'm fully geared so I don't need any supplies, if you're interested hit me up on skype or steam, my skype is paradoxness and my steam is dreamlessmind.

Edited by paradox
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