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The Stoned Wolf

This Is A Sad, Sad Day.

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So, I had nearly reached my 60th day of survival in DayZ. Was on Day 59 and I had some of the best loot in the game (Ghillie, NVGs, Rangefinders, Coyote Backpack, M14 AIM, M4A1 CCO SD, tons of cooked meat and medical supplies, you get the gist.)

Today, during a glitch, I was killed on spawn in because I had to serverhop when I got stuck on infinite loading. Usually this happens all the time and I teleport to the coast, but with all my stats and gear in-tact. This time, though, that didn't happen.

I get spawned on Cap Galova with absolutely nothing. Not my old gear, not even starter gear. 100% empty inventory. However, for some odd reason, I at least retained my Ghillie skin, which is going to be awesomely useful. The thing that weirds me out, though, is that I didn't really care. In fact, I was almost happy. For a full month I basically ran around in circles through the forest, living off of cows and ponds and avoiding players as much as possible (for the people calling this a cowardly way of playing, yes, it is. However, this game is about survival, not about who has the most zombie kills or who pwns the most survivors). Needless to say, this got tirelessly boring and I was not going to resort to camping noobs along the coast for "fun." I had already stolen a bus from some place else and so ended up being on the same server for a week, although I hate being tied up to one area and so never set up a camp, and I think starting anew was good for me. Anyway, just wanted to share my experiences.

Edited by Excision
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Just when I think "no one plays this game like I do", you post this.

My least favorite way to die - death by glitch. :(

And DAMN I still want to find that M4 CCO SD. Day 22 and still no joy.

Good luck in your new life.

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That is what I do quite often, just to see if I have the patience to be a "real" lone survivor type

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It's the way I've played since day one. I'd still be playing that way if my computer wasn't broken. :/

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I don't know. I haven't died in a long time. Most of my lives are between 30-60 days on my private hives in my favorites list. But sometimes I wish I would be killed by someone so I could have a fresh start. I don't want to die by illegitimite means (AKA bugs/hackers), but if it happens I wouldn't care too much. On one of my lives a while back I was teleported into there air. Just before I hit the ground I logged. Then logged back in. Hit the ground and broke my legs and was bleeding. My inventory was empty ^^. But there was a dead body behind me and it had bandages, morphine, epi pen and painkillers. Fixed myself up and went hunting. But yeah it sucks when there is nothing you can do about bugs/hackers. Id rather it was a legit death for sure. Either way its still a chance to start new.

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so there are other players just like me..

have my beans sir.

ps when i get bored of surviving i go LeeRoy jenkins into a town and see what happens..

usualy ends up with me respawning on the beach cuz i dont PVP..

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Oh, great. As it turns out, I still had the same stats and was still on Day 59, but right when I realized it I got hit by a zombie, and, with the lack of a bandage due to having zero loot, I quickly died and respawned with a bandit suit despite having only 1 player kill on the old char right when I started! Wonderful :P.

Edited by Excision

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I survived 94 days and got killed by a glitch, even though i was annoyed by my death, it felt nice starting again + 100th post

Edited by BwobBwub

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The hand of Z came down and said no more

Who is Z?

Neat story Op, I'm still wondering how people enjoy running around in a circle for weeks feeding off cows

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So, I had nearly reached my 60th day of survival in DayZ. Was on Day 59 and I had some of the best loot in the game (Ghillie, NVGs, Rangefinders, Coyote Backpack, M14 AIM, M4A1 CCO SD, tons of cooked meat and medical supplies, you get the gist.)

Today, during a glitch, I was killed on spawn in because I had to serverhop when I got stuck on infinite loading. Usually this happens all the time and I teleport to the coast, but with all my stats and gear in-tact. This time, though, that didn't happen.

I get spawned on Cap Galova with absolutely nothing. Not my old gear, not even starter gear. 100% empty inventory. However, for some odd reason, I at least retained my Ghillie skin, which is going to be awesomely useful. The thing that weirds me out, though, is that I didn't really care. In fact, I was almost happy. For a full month I basically ran around in circles through the forest, living off of cows and ponds and avoiding players as much as possible (for the people calling this a cowardly way of playing, yes, it is. However, this game is about survival, not about who has the most zombie kills or who pwns the most survivors). Needless to say, this got tirelessly boring and I was not going to resort to camping noobs along the coast for "fun." I had already stolen a bus from some place else and so ended up being on the same server for a week, although I hate being tied up to one area and so never set up a camp, and I think starting anew was good for me. Anyway, just wanted to share my experiences.

why don’t u read forums, there are lots of threads about this bug...when something like this happens (first u spawn in debug zone and u die, second spawn on coast without anything, not even a backpack, but your stats are intact) all u have to do is, on the server where you "died" run to the place where u last time normally disconnected and you will find you dead body with all equipment and weps...loot your dead body and thats it...ye its annoying, in my 80 dayz survive happened to me like 4 times, only the first time i lost my gear, after that i managed to find my dead body and got my gear back..

now i always write my coordinates down before disconnect

Edited by snowcrAsh42

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Running around eating meat doesn't sound like it would be too fun after a while. It is about surviving but if you avoid people there isn't much fun in that. This game excels at people interaction. Try messing around with some people sometime. ;)

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Who is Z?

Neat story Op, I'm still wondering how people enjoy running around in a circle for weeks feeding off cows

"The hand of Z" - Yeah, Steak and Potatoes got a little metaphorical there but I got it - It's like DayZ itself just kills you occasionally for the random fun of it. the "hand of DayZ".

Running around for weeks, looking for helicopters just for the enjoyment of seeing that crashsite over the next hill, or stumbling across a well hidden tent, (or a poorly hidden campground).

Seeing other people and watching them, hoping not to be seen or approached, deciding what kind of player they are from their behavior.

Trying desperately to find and keep a bicycle on every server I frequent.

I have yet to kill a rabbit. Wasted ammo yes, shot one that was running, no.

Screwing with people in "good ways"...

I once found a tent inside a ruined church. I later found a fully intact tractor. I drove the tractor over to the ruins, and (after about 47 frontwards backwards turn-a-little-bit moves) parked it right near his tent. without squishing it. LOL I just wish I had a chance to see the look on his face :)

I could go on, but you've got the idea.

And I'm still looking for my first M4A1 CCO SD. and looking, and looking,,, :(

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why don’t u read forums, there are lots of threads about this bug...when something like this happens (first u spawn in debug zone and u die, second spawn on coast without anything, not even a backpack, but your stats are intact) all u have to do is, on the server where you "died" run to the place where u last time normally disconnected and you will find you dead body with all equipment and weps...loot your dead body and thats it...ye its annoying, in my 80 dayz survive happened to me like 4 times, only the first time i lost my gear, after that i managed to find my dead body and got my gear back..

now i always write my coordinates down before disconnect

You do realize I'm not actually reporting a bug... right? I'm just sharing what happened and my experiences, as you can see if you read the last sentence.

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Running around eating meat doesn't sound like it would be too fun after a while. It is about surviving but if you avoid people there isn't much fun in that. This game excels at people interaction. Try messing around with some people sometime. ;)

Oh, I know. What I'm doing is trying all different play styles, just on separate characters, to see how long I can survive on each. So far, this one has been the most successful. It has also been the most boring :P. On the new char I already have all the stuff needed for getting and cooking meat, and I also have an AKM, M1911, and an ALICE pack, so I think I'm going to head up north and possibly hit Stary or NWAF for some really good loot. After that, I think I'll try a more PVP approach this time, but I'm still going to befriend people with no weapons. At least, as long as they stay with no weapons lol.

Edited by Excision

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