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SuperDan (DayZ)


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Damn that rain is loud but why do the zombies still hear me running? I think rain should muffle our foot steps and ease the aggro chance of a zombie

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Lots of other things are loud.

They should balance all sounds for players/zombies...

And the sounds are unrealistic anyway, seems that your character is unable to move even remotely quiet..

Edited by Zeppa

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Lots of other things are loud.

They should balance all sounds for players/zombies...

And the sounds are unrealistic anyway, seems that your character is unable to move even remotely quiet..

This is a solid horrible suggestion.

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Lots of other things are loud.

They should balance all sounds for players/zombies...

And the sounds are unrealistic anyway, seems that your character is unable to move even remotely quiet..

This is a solid horrible suggestion.

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Not only do they have bionic hearing but, despite having EXACTLY the same number of rods and cones on their retinas as you and I, they have bastard 20/20 vision in pitch darkness ! I would love to see what backstory DRH's brother is going to come up with to explain a virus that does things that a virus could NEVER EVER DO.

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Rain dumbs sound down by 50% or makes it travel less further, something along those lines. It might have just been planned to be added, for the rain and fog to have effects on the sound. It might be in some older notes too to confirm.

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Not only do they have bionic hearing but, despite having EXACTLY the same number of rods and cones on their retinas as you and I, they have bastard 20/20 vision in pitch darkness ! I would love to see what backstory DRH's brother is going to come up with to explain a virus that does things that a virus could NEVER EVER DO.

lol, I prefer playing on Night time servers because Zombies can't see as good as they do at day, so I have no clue what you're talking about.

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This is a solid horrible suggestion.

So you like deaf zeds, thats fine. Now its 90% of the time they see you rather than hear when agroed... But who knows how your brain works after infection.

Edited by Zeppa

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Kidding right, You can pretty much walk up behind a zombie in the dark, happy slap him then run away and he still would be none the wiser about you being there.

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