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The ability to build and grow crops

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I know that DayZ is only an alpha version, and these are some tall suggestions, but is there any way,down the line, that building and havesting could be incorporated into this awesome mod. To illustrate, the survivor could construct a house or build a fence or create some sort of building that can be used to survivor. And also the ability to grow and harvest crops would be amazing.

Just some suggestions. Thanx for your time.

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The idea is there, but I think Rocket wants more "How would such a thing be incorperated into the game." as opposed to "This thing should be in here because it's well cool." But saying that, I'm going to hijack this thread because Fruit and the growing of said fruit, would be wicked, And I like your basic idea.

I'd take a different approach to Fruit & Veg. I've seen Pumpkin Patches, Grape Vinyards and Appletrees around Chernarus, So lets use them!

Could we make these interactable? Giving you the option of "Harvesting food." if you have a knife in your inventory.

That way you can get "1 piece of fruit." And heck, have it so it takes a little while for fruit to "Regrow" so a player can swipe some apples, and another player later one may come to a tree with no apples on it to take, adding realism (And apple-thieves)

*Eating 1 piece of fruit will restore Hunger & Water, and maybe 200 blood. Nothing overpowered in the blood regen department because honestly, I think hydration is a pretty good tradeoff.

The kicker is, that fruit will go rotten in a short period of time (Maybe even on logout/login as well) Which will generate the fly swarm sound AOE around character.

*Eating 1 piece of rotton fruit will refill hunger, not water, 50 Blood will make your character Vomit on a 15% chance. animation takes a few seconds on character on all fours or maybe not vomiting, just going into the fetal position, makes quite a bit of noise. all the while the player is sitting there going "Fuck fuck fuck, stop it, I'm attracting all the noise, gotta go now, now, NOW!! FFFFUUUUUU-." - And they learn from that experience.

But never fear, any experienced camper knows you can preserve Fruit if you can cook it and store it properly.

Items needed:

~Placed on ground: Campfire (Either currently placed and lit by other player, or created using matches, axe, wood.)

~In Inventory (infinite uses): Hunting Knife - it's pretty much every utensil you have in this world and you need it to gather fruit anyway.

~In inventory (Finite uses): 2 x Fruit (Unspoilt) - You'll need this before it goes rotten.

1 x Empty Whiskey Bottle - Container and item needs more then one practical use than it currently has.

When you go up to the campfire with all these items, it will give you a contest sensitive menu option to PRESERVE FRUIT IN BOTTLE.

*Result of Crafting: 1x Preserved fruit in Bottle - Can be used 3 times (3 Charges), Each "charge" heals 250 Blood and fixes hunger and thirst statuses. When emptied of contents the Whiskey Bottle just becomes a normal empty bottle for you to throw.

So essentially this goes hand in hand with gathering meat for an experienced survivor. Cooked Meat does regen more health over time, but doesn't hydrate the player. Preserved Fruit fixes hydration, but is more difficult to obtain because A) Harvested fruit is on a time limit before it goes rotten, unlike raw meat. B) It requires more consumables to create. C) Other players may pick gathering areas clean, making ingredient gathering more bothersome. D) Pumpkin Patches and Vegi gardens are usually balls deep in Zombie territory. So that gives insentive for players to get their hands dirty so to speak.

So that's the gist of my idea and if you got this far through my post then I tip my hat to you, I've got a fair number of other ideas for combining and using items already in Day Z, just with a little rejiggering, so if anyone wants to hear them, I'm more then willing to post some of them. but for now I'm just going to spitball thoughts:

-Heck if you wanted to make it even more difficult then add Fresh Water to the list of ingredients for preserved food.

-Since it has three serves, possible shareable item?

-Throwing rotten fruit attracts wild animals nearby?

-Collectable Seeds? Used to grow little fruit trees that will spawn fruit over time. placed like tents (Flat ground, outside), will grow over time on a server? Meh I dunno. rough ideas. But it would also pave the way for such things like Tobacco plantations or seeing a burning sugarcane field at night.

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Not sure if serious,

Day Z = Zombie Apocalypse Survival Simulator.

If you want to play it as a shooter than that’s up to you.

If you want to sneak in and out without shooting at all, it's up to you.

If you want to run around being a medic and patching people up, it's up to you.

If you want to be a motherfucking bus driver doing your route then it's up to you.

If you want to Bear Grylls it in the wilderness, you can, it's up to you.

If you want to rebuild society in this god forsaken world, by gum you should be given the chance to try.

This game gives you more options than just guns, guns are just a game mechanic, like driving is a mechanic and sneaking is a mechanic. If you don't feel like you'd use added features, then congrats, you don't have to use them; The game is finished as far as you are concerned.

This game is a Simulator, It gives you the scenario. You get to pick what you want to do with it.

If Day Z was a shooter, then you'd probably be seeing things like killstreaks, teams, rankings, scores, KDR, regenerating health. And probably a respawn button so you'd have more than one life? You know; the things that are noticeably and actively missing?

but hey, here I was thinking I'd get constructive crit. As this is a suggestion board you know, for suggestions and for people to make a case for why said suggestions would add something extra to the game. An actual Discussion, not "Farmville = Growing crops" because what does that have to do with anything? Are plants and zombies mutually exclusive? than what about Plants vs Zombies? Or are we just illustrating other games with mechanics? Like: COD = Shooter, Flight Sim = Flight Sim, L4D = Zombies, GTA = Vehicles in Sandbox. Big Buck Hunter = Hunting animals.

What I'm getting at, is that you added nothing of substance with your post, it wasn't constructive and was barely on topic and added no avenues of discussion. Which makes me think you didn't read the "Please read before posting" sticky, which makes me wonder why you are commenting in the suggestion forum at all really.

You can tell me you think my idea is bad, I really don't mind, I'd just like to know the WHY for sake of discussion and possibly improving my idea.

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