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DPV server (private hive) hackers owned

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Before I start the story, here is a little background on the involved players equipment:

Myself- AK74u, 3 mags

Bandit #1- FN FAL, 10 mags

Bandit #2- AS50, 3 mags

Bandit #3- unknown

Friendly: hatchet :P

This past hour some hackers in black SUV with bandit skin drove past me at the Kamenka bridge and honked. I killed hacker #1 as he exited, and then lit up hacker #2 in the driver seat and killed him as well. Hacker #3 switched to the driver seat (I didn't see him because of the tinted windows :S) and drove off down the road. I was being cautious because I was afraid #3 would drive off, then come back in the trees to flank me). About 30 seconds later, some unarmed person spawned at the coast and instantly broke my bone and killed me without firing a shot < obvious hacks.

I spend 20 minutes running back to my body, accompanied by another person (I passed him at Balota) that I told to follow me so I could lead him to nice loot. I get there a minute before he does, and looted hacker #1....I was going to let him loot hacker #2 and my body. When that friendly was about 250 meters away from the body locations, a unannounced server reset deletes all the bodies. I felt really bad for him missing out after all that running. I ran away from the body locations towards him, and I explained what happened. Then I see him fall to the ground and hear a very loud crack. Hacker #2 entered the server alive with his gear intact! He shot at me and missed, I whipped around and hit him 3 times with the FN FAL, killing him. Then I disconnected ASAP because I feared that ackers #1 may have also been magically reincarnated there!

Me- 3

Hackers- 1

It's just embarrassing that I beat them so badly while outgunned and playing on my 10fps Lenovo thinkpad!

Edited by basilonereborn

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