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Gameplay partner

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Hey guys, so I recently saw people grouping up with mates and random people to keep up the survival chances.

So I decided to see if anyone wouldn't mind playing with me. I would like to play with anyone if they have steam + Micro and about +15 yrs. I would rather the person had a bit of experience in the game. (I do, I've played couple of days already)

I'm actually looking for a person who would meet up with me and stay with me in survivor and not person who would kill me as soon as we would meet up.

If anyone want's to meet up and team up in the game please post a reply telling me their steam account and I would add you and we could discuss details of our journey!

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If you let people know what country you're in it may help :)

Good luck.

Edited by Fraggle

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I live in UK, but I'm ready to play on any server to be honest as long as the person can speak English well with me through the microphone!

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I guess I can speak quite well lol. Add me on steam if you're interested buddy: pyerri (the one with yellow and blue avatar)

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