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Stuck at "character data received from server"

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Yesterday I was playing just fine but today I cannot seem to get past "character data received from server" on any server I try.

I tried to reinstall Battleeye Anti-cheat but that didn't seem to help.

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Im am having the same problem. PLEASE HELP! I have rienstalled Arma 2 and OA. I have reinstalled Dayz. Verified the files. What happens is If you pick a server and wait for it to load it says "Character Data received from server" instead of setup complete and if you wait long enough you will spawn. But there will either be no zombies or they will ignore you. The game won't save and there is no audio. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

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EXACTLY what's happening to me. Nothing different.

I spawn and no sound/zombies.

Have you tried killing yourself? I might try that after the 30min+ wait in character received from server...-.-

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Ive tried killing myself by falling off a building but i respawned in a world with nothing in it. Id really appreciate some help!!!!!

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It happens exactly with me, after a hack attack, i'm go out from game and when i try to open it happens, im so furious because they're dont take care of the game, and after a few days will start to lose so many space to the warz.

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happening to me too, jumped off building over and over, just keep respawning, no sounds no ui/hud, or zombies

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I think about 1/2 of this thread is talking about something completely different. I load any server and am stuck at "character data received from server". I literally can't do anything else. Nothing loads, I just see a black loading screen with that text.

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Messiadbunny if you wait long enough youll spawn but with those problems and if you kill yourself enough after that youll spawn in an empty world.

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Messiadbunny if you wait long enough youll spawn but with those problems and if you kill yourself enough after that youll spawn in an empty world.

Oh, never realized that. I knew I respawned once after I came back to it about an hour later but I had other things to do at that point and didn't notice anything was wrong. Honestly, at the time I was hoping it would fix my future gaming experience, apparently not.

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I had the same problem and fixed it :D i can help you to pm me for help each case will prolly be different but i helped my friends so i can most likely help you!

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I'm stuck on this thing too, god dammit, it's driving me crazy.

Someone, please help me.

@rodrigolujan I follow you topic but it didn't work.

Edit: Actually, I'm not able to delete my player profile, the game don't let me.

Edited by diodot

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Same problem, waited ages on that screen. I only just started playing again after I got fed up of another bug (zombies seeing/running through walls). At this rate theres no chance im buying a standalone version of this game.

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