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Siggy (DayZ)

Need help finding something

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Where abouts can i find server_playersetup.sqf and server_functions.sqf, i would like to edit these files to add some stuff to our server, but i can't seem to find these anywhere, i have looked pretty much everywhere for these files, are they disabled so we can't edit them or what?

I looked everywhere in TCadmin.

Alright so i edited my dayz_server.pbo and when i rename the old 1 and put the new 1 in the file, the server won't let anyone connect, but as soon as i change it back to the old 1 people can connect again, anyone know whats going on? I edited the file with sqfeditor.

Edited by Siggy

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You don't say if this is an open/public server or a private hive server.

If it's a public server connected to the main DayZ Hive you're not allowed to alter the files.

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