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Private hive w/ 140 vehicles and 10 choppers

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Drunks with Guns


1.NO combat logging

2.Killing someone must come with personal gain (not just because you want to PVP, We have certain nights where we have different pvp activities for people who are interested)

3.Hackers of course will be banned instantly




3rd person=on

Cross hair=off

Name plate=off

Death message=on

Side chat=on

Vehicles=Currently at 140

The Drunks

We are a small group of people who live around the same area (with a few we have added to the group) We enjoyed the game so much we got our own Private have and currently run Lingor island, We are looking to get more traffic into our server! post here and I will send server info. There is an admin on almost 24/7 and we are constantly adding things and if you pick a place for a base and would like me to I will spend my own time fortifying it with what you want!

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Sending to both of you now

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I'd love to join your server, been looking for something like this for a while now (10 helicopters!!).

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To everyone, It now runs Panthera and has MASS Vehicles and custom loot spawns

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