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Remove password from private hive

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I host a private hive at Vilayer. I would like to remove the password of the server so players won't have to login with a password every time they join. I asked Vilayer how to do this and they told me it is possible with a Rcon command. I tried #password = "" but didn't work.

Does anyone have experience with this or know how to fix this?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,


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do you not have access to your server config file?

if you do , let's say you access it via an ftp client (like filezilla) then just take out the password where it says password "yourpasswordhere"

if not, get your host to take it off for you., just tell them you don't want a password and to please remove it.

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@mgsloth already tried that and vilayer told me they can't remove the password either, lol.

@Leadcatcher22 I'll try your solution.

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