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Vidx2 (DayZ)

Grudge holding hackers

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Today after my friend was trying to repair a chopper for about strait days now, he has finnaly made it. We go in, fix it up, start to refuel it. But as soon as i am finished, some guy joins the server, but DC before i manage to talk to him/shoot him. We both paniced, jumped in and flown away. But we came back, because we forgot a friend behind. When we land we figure that he is still on the server, and that he brought a friend with him(see the clan names). We try to get to our base to take some stuff than run!

Me and the friend who repaired both get killed, WITHOUT HACKS, but the 3rd friends kills them both and we escape. We have flew for about 15-20min, when we decide to check out if there is a boat there. When i suddenly DC and they both say that they died. We figured that that was the hackers foult, and said that we would die together. So reconnect, unload a full magazine into the guy running to our chopper, then he ports and i die. And the chopper dissapered as well.

TL;DR: Finally got a chopper, got in a big gun fight, win, escape with our chopper, then get killed by hackers.


TIME: 9:40 GMT+1


I will add a proof of the server players at that moment, and we are 99% sure that it was that guys.

and i did not post this cuz my mom forced me to... :D

EDIT:In the pic. THE red incircled are the guys responsible, and the green circled are us.


Edited by Vidx2

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