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US 1204 - Teleport

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It's 11:30 CEST.

I'm on US 1204, minding my own business, driving my freshly fixed up car, parking it where my friends logged out and I'm about to log out when suddenly:

Red chain.

I think nothing of it and that it'll go away any second, like it usually does.

But instead, suddenly, I teleport in my car, to somewhere on the map, where seemingly ALL vehicles are.

I see a guy with a Ghilie suit running about, and aiming at me through the window - My car is blocked in between a bus and a tree.

I get out, hit the floor and think about taking a fight with this scumbag, but log out instead. Don't want my 56 day old character to die. Now I'm here.

The other players that were online at the time are named "Jimmy" and "David".

Please get rid of whoever did this. :(

Edited by H@buster

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It was jimmy i suppose. he is appartly pretty common around here now

Excerpt from logs:

13.08.2012 22:50:53: Dr. Jimmy Rustles (*******************) 9b74cbc2665017a01ad3b96d561b5666 - #0 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"

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