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So i just downloaded DaRT v0.5

When i type in the Host, port and the password and click connect.

I get This "Failed To Connect. Please Make Sure That You Probely Set A Password in beserver.cfg.

Need help with this asap. Hackers on the server...

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This means that the host is reachable but no RCon is running on that port.

That usually means you didn't create a proper beserver.cfg in your BattlEye directory.

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Getting an error "Failed to connect. Please make sure that you properly set a password in beserver.cfg" but I have configured it and restarted the server.

Can you connect using BERCon?

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You will need to modify the server side battleye config go to your battleye directory and you will find a BEServer.cfg and in that there will be a password set change this password to whatever you want. remember that the server should be offline while doing this.

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what is the correct setup for beserver.cfg

mine is

MaxPing 300

RConPassword changeme

(there is a password in place of changeme, but i am keeping it confidential)

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