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Some good ole DayZ combat stories! :)

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These will just be copy pastes from my posts on a Halo forum. Enjoy!

"I joined a clan on there.. makes it sooo much more fun always rolling in groups of 5 or 6. Last night I logged into a server right next to a stash of another clans vehicles. 1 offroad truck 1 ural cargo truck 1 Taxi cab 1 station wagon 1 cargo farm truck. I called my clan over to the server and alerted them on the find. They all joined and about that time we heard the owners of the stash pulling up on an atv and a dirt bike so we hid in the trees. We got into a firefight which lasted about 5 minutes and we killed the 3 of them with no deaths on our side. Since there were 6 of us we all just looted hopped in a vehicle and took off in a convoy to a super secluded location I doubt anyone will ever find xD Oh and all the vehicles we filled to the rim with tons of sick weapons mags and supplies.


"I WAS JUST MAULED BY A FUCKING TANK IN CHERNO. Me and a bud were on top of the firehouse when it was rocked by an explosion. then another. and another. The shots stopped so I looked out to see what was going on and 3 people hopped out of a tank so I shot at them with my Winchester (lol) . One was disappearing underneath me in to the building so I look up to see what the tank is doing about that exact moment I took a tank shell directly to the face which knocked me unconscious and bleeding out. My friend bandaged me and tried to keep eyes on the tank. He saw the people that hopped out of the tank had rpgs and started demolishing the building. About halfway through the timer the building finally fell with us on top of it and we both died in one of the most epic ways possible."

"So me and my friend were just trolling people in Cherno when after like 10 minutes on the same server I turn around and spot a bus at the bus stop. Immediately after pointing it out to my friend who was about 30 meters away from it but didnt spot it yet I saw a survivor running on the road next to it. So I lined up a shot with my enfield (no scoped on it) and fired and hit an atleast 600m headshot with the first bullet and the guy dropped dead right in front of my friend. We were both in awe at that shot haha. But that was just the spark to the epicness that ensued. Right after hitting the shot I accidentally fell off the building and died trying to get down (fail). so i respawned until I got a cherno spawn . While doing this my friend discovered the engine was red fuel tank was red and it needed a wheel. So we decided to hunt down a wheel first. Finally I got one and we were headed back when my friend got shot with a makarov by the survivor I killed earlier. I still had not looted my body so I had no guns so I ran up to the guy when he had his back turned and looked in his backpack to see if he had a gun in it. Nothing except car parts. He turned around right as I looked so I took off running. Surprisingly he didnt shoot I guess because I was unarmed. So I went and looted my body got my enfield back head over there. I looked down the road see the guy who spared my life running shoot him in the back 1 shot kill. His friend had shown up by now and was crouching next to the bus looking in it. I shot at him but missed and had to reload . He spotted me and started shooting at me with an ak47. He hit me once and I ran around a building for cover. At the last second I decided to turn around just in case he chased me and sure enough he came around the corner and I made a last ditch effort pot shot. And I actually killed him with it. So both of the hostiles were down. My friend was on his way back so I put the tire on the bus. And to my surprise it started running and moving. So I took the first road out of town and picked up my friend. We stopped about 500 meters out of cherno so he could give me a blood bag. And we started getting shot at again. This time by a lee enfield. So we get about 1000 more meters down the road and stop again because we still needed to take care of some things. After a few seconds damnit to hell if we werent getting shot at again. So we go about another 1000 meters and stop. We started feeling safe and all of a sudden I hear an ATV coming from the hills in my headphones I look up the hill and sure enough some guy named jojo is sitting up there staring at on an ATV . So I lined up a shot with my enfield. Missed the first one. Shot again and got a headshot on him right off the ATV. We ran over to it and was about to loot his body and we started getting shot at AGAIN. So my friend hopped on the ATV and I ran to the Bus and hopped in and we were off to Electro. We desperately needed fuel at this point so we stopped at the Gas station outside of electro. Due to the seeming bounty on our heads we hastily fueled up the vehicles. While we were fueling Aero spotted a survivor walking towards us ak47 at ready and aero headshots him. We put one more tank of fuel in and just as that happened I heard a gun shot but aero didnt. Right as he started telling me I was hearing things someone started unloading full auto m4 shots at him on the ATV. So I hop in the bus and we booked it through Electro. At this point we dont know what the hell is going on , if there was some sort of chat we cant see telling people to kill us or what. So we just keep driving north and north. We eventually come across a gas station with a hippy van parked at it with gear in and 2 dead survivors with gear right next to it. We dont even know what to think anymore. We loot and take off again. We hit khelm and I accidentally hit something and popped my tire on the bus. (fail). So we use the ATV to do a sort of mission to find a tire in Berezino. I find one and we bring it back fix it and we head to Dubrovka. We do some looting go north circle around Black Mountain to Krasnostav loot there. Aero claimed there was an ATV spawn at klen just south so we went and checked it and sure enough there was 2 broken to hell ATV's just sitting there . So we hid the bus and the good atv in the forest around there and that was the end of the night for us. One of the most awesome experiences I have had on dayz yet. It felt like something out of a movie"

"I became friends with 2 guys in a hippy van I was stalking with my 4 wheeler and we went on adventures and found a tractor and combined our camps. So now our camp consist of 2 4 wheelers, a hippy van, a tractor, and a bus."

"So we ran into a hacker on this server. And he starts spawning ammo crates with 50 cal's dragunov's tons of ammo and 3 trucks for us. After we went for a joy ride in the vehicles we got attacked by a helicopter. Think one of the hackers friends was trolling us though because it was invincible. We could see the 50 cal bullets hitting. After that we got off of that server lol. Hope we dont get banned."

"So I just shot down a helicopter full of admins with ghillies as50s nvgs range finders and right about the point i was filling up my backpack with gear for my friend they reset the server. I only got another as50 and mags out of it."

"yup. just wrapped up a killing spree which involved loot including over 10 + as50s, 5 nvgs, 10 + coyote packs, 10 + ghillie suits, 5 range finders ect. And i ended up killing myself with a grenade then the server crashed. ;_;

25+ murders today between me and aero at electro."

"So last night I was running around Cherno with an axe and 1 frag grenade I found. A heli full of hackers came in and started harassing the town. Someone disabled the helicopter and they crash landed but all stayed alive along with the heli. I snuck around a corner close by and lobbed the grenade at them. I only saw 1 guy but when it exploded right on the heli I heard 3 people die and I got 2 bandit kills and 1 murder. I preceded to loot and got away with an L85 and a DMR. Was thinking about taking the chopper but realized I would just kill myself. Later found out they are immune to bullets but not explosions I guess."

Edited by Smite

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