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Chaotic Cricket

New to Arma and Dayz. Looking to learn some things

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Hey all, I've been following the game for awhile, didn't buy it since i was waiting to see how -balance- was handled, Since Rocket is actually refusing to balance weapons and such, I decided that i would buy Arma 2, play it for a bit, then start playing Day Z (I recently rediscovered it.)

Now, I consider myself an "Above average" gamer, I'm not going to whip around and 180 headshot people at 150 range with a pistol (Neither will i attempt to.), But if you're in my sights I'm -probably- going to hit you somewhere.

Anyways, To the questions, My favorite weapons in any game are generally Silenced automatic weapons and sniper rifles.(Hardscope) Stealth is usually my thing, But hey, big guns that make things dead (If you can aim) are awesome.

(Q1)I play sniper elite and BF3 when i feel like just messing around with sniping, And both of those games have some nice bullet physics, But i'm curious about how bullet trajectory works in Arma/Dayz, And i keep hearing the term "Zoning"- I have an idea on what that is, But some clarification can help.

(Q2)I would also like to know some "Do's" and "Don'ts", Obviously, Don't run at the dude with the shotgun when you have a hatchet, But is there some mechanics that a new player might not comprehend? I don't know how zombie detection and noise work.

(Q3) And i'm wondering what a good "Common" sniper rifle is, Not the best, But has a scope and kills on headshot works for me. I can live with iron sights if the weapon is something i could just find again in a short amount of time.

(Q4) I keep hearing about exploits, hacks and such, So I'm wondering about some "Counter" tactics against these asshats.

(Q5) I remember awhile back i saw videos of helicopters and such in the game, Was it legit or was it modded into the game?

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Trial and Error's the best way to learn.

You learn how to play your way, and you do what suits you.

Also. It sounds like you came here from CoD, talking about 180 spins and hardscopes...

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I was making fun of Call of Duty. I can't stand that garbage and how people claim to be awesome when really, Aim assist does all the work for them.

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Hey bro im really into mentoring new players and if you wanted to add me on skype here my name jonny.jackson

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