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Got a bug? Lost all your stuff? Want it back? Read this!

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Hi there.

First of all... First than the first of all, you won't have your stuff back.

If that's enough to convince you, good. Otherwise, keep reading.


This game is in alpha version. Read this if you don't know what I mean: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3502

Since it's in alpha, it's bugged and have a lot of features working on it's half or even not working.

What we are doing here, is test! Test and feedback, test and feedback.

If you find time to have fun, GREAT! If not, just test and feedback.

If you died for any non-natural reason, as a tester (totally different from a common player) your duty is come here and post what happened. Read this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=546

There are hundreds of server requests, hundreds of bug reports and thousands and more thousands of code they need to write to solve them.

Basically, to recover your stuff, there should be one person to investigate from case to case and recover MANUALLY EACH ITEM YOU ARE COMPLAINING. You, your friend Matt and more 372891739817 others. There is no time for it. If you lost your goddamn FN FAL/NVG, no one is sorry.

Report, start again, try to simulate the same scenario and report again if was not solved.

When they release the mod in the full version, you can come here and complain you lost items.

Sorry for any typo or any other shit. I won't revise it.:cool:

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with the last patch's bug, I think it's my duty to bump it.

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Yep. me right here! I updated to i believe and after spawning multiple times in what seems to be called the "debug" area, I now spawn in the middle of a wooded area. I was about to venture out of Elektro :C

This is what I did:

- update to v1.7.1.2

- spawn in debug area

- search forum about it. told to revert back to

- reverted back to

- spawn in wooded area (sometimes in debug area with no trees and only random people)

- always getting a missing CfgWeapons like hatchet (no massive errors it seems)

as a reminder for what you're making me lose :C -> http://i.imgur.com/yM7up.jpg

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