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Looking for a partner/team from europe.

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I'm 21 years old, looking for a mature partner / mature group to play with, i have a mic, i can speak on ts or skype ( i can download ur program if needed ) i have every single map, I don't mind playing on any map, but I prefer chernarus and lingor. I'm in europe and I'm looking for people from europe ( because of the time difference between us and europe ) , so if you want to team up just add me on steam or skype.

Steam: kisoniukas

Skype: kisoniukas20

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Awesome! We're a mature fun international group that loves Day Z. We use Mumble and there is usually someone in chat playing Day Z, if you're looking for people to hang with. We play pretty much all of the maps. We're testing out the new ones currently. Check us out if you're interested: http://awolgaming.enjin.com

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