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Hermon Li

*Chernarus Anti-Task Force* (CA-TC) *Mature*

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Welcome to the Chernarus Anti-Task Force (CA-TC) Fourm Page/Post!

*DISCLAIMER* The clan name is just based upon a lack of creativity but signifies what the "clan" does in-game. The name was not intended to offend any other clans with similar names.

What do we do in Chernarus

-We have not decided. This group so far is 5 friends (mostly IRL). We are based on the east coast. We have not decided what we intend to do in DayZ. All we know is that we want a friendly, social environment, and an enjoyable DayZ experience. YOU DECIDE! If you have a good idea (After joining) we will consider it. New players often have good ideas, so we listen to everyone.

What is your status, over?

- Our status is this. So far we have over 3 bases across 3 servers. Vehicles and tents are having a saving issue in the current hotfix so this will be resolved soon. We have 2 seasoned chopper pilots. The goal so far is to establish a foothold on our own server (Easy Operation) and to set a foothold on our enemy server (Medium Operation). We are geared. We will gear you if we trust you. We will supply BASIC gear!

Basic Gear


Alice/Coyote Backpack

Basic Tools (If Needed)

Basic Weapon/Ammo (m4a1 CCO)(CZ550)(870)(Mp5)(Handguns)


Possible tactical gear




Time zone:


What you can bring to us:

Play Style:

Good teamwork? (Not Judged):

Mic / Teamspeak 3:

Add "Hermon Li(Ryan)" on Steam!

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Name: Lance (IRL) Proximus (In-Game)

Age: 23

Time zone: EST (Usual play time: 6pm - 12am)

Experience: Usage of all guns, vehicles, &

What you can bring to us: I have atleast 1 if not 2 of every gun, inventory item, and plenty of ammo. Just pure experience aswell

Play Style: Scout/Sniper, I rarely miss. Used to playing reaction based pvp games. I am quick in all aspects

Good teamwork? (Not Judged): I love my solo time, but I believe I work better with a team, and the game is much more enjoyable

Mic / Teamspeak 3: I own and operate my own Ventrilo server, I suppose I can download TS3, makes me feel so euro though :P

Add "Hermon Li(Ryan)" on Steam!

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Name: Lance (IRL) Proximus (In-Game)

Age: 23

Time zone: EST (Usual play time: 6pm - 12am)

Experience: Usage of all guns, vehicles, &

What you can bring to us: I have atleast 1 if not 2 of every gun, inventory item, and plenty of ammo. Just pure experience aswell

Play Style: Scout/Sniper, I rarely miss. Used to playing reaction based pvp games. I am quick in all aspects

Good teamwork? (Not Judged): I love my solo time, but I believe I work better with a team, and the game is much more enjoyable

Mic / Teamspeak 3: I own and operate my own Ventrilo server, I suppose I can download TS3, makes me feel so euro though :P

Add "Hermon Li(Ryan)" on Steam!

You do meet all qualifications. Experienced play is very useful. Add my steam, or just post your steam for an interview. And TS3 is preferred. You will have a Designated Marksmen partner probably. :)

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Name: Eidos (Drew)

Age: 23

Time zone: CST

Experience: Several Months, Previous clan (D2A) had their own server. Also we had a private war with another clan called baptized by fire. I know the basics and am a very independent player. I don't want to be geared out by others, and I am really just looking for another team to play with when I have a chance to. I'm in my senior year in college and can only play a few hours a week at most. Sometimes not at all. My last clan (D2A) fell apart because we all had similar things going on, school, new jobs, etc.

What you can bring to us: Another qualified gun and set of eyes. I will only play legitimately, and honorably.

Play Style: Casual, but professional. I have spent most of my time playing with the DMR, but I like to play with some basic strategy depending on the crew's strengths at a given moment.

Good teamwork? (Not Judged): I'll let you judge , if and when we play together.

Mic / Teamspeak 3: Both.

Steam: Eidos

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Name: Eidos (Drew)

Age: 23

Time zone: CST

Experience: Several Months, Previous clan (D2A) had their own server. Also we had a private war with another clan called baptized by fire. I know the basics and am a very independent player. I don't want to be geared out by others, and I am really just looking for another team to play with when I have a chance to. I'm in my senior year in college and can only play a few hours a week at most. Sometimes not at all. My last clan (D2A) fell apart because we all had similar things going on, school, new jobs, etc.

What you can bring to us: Another qualified gun and set of eyes. I will only play legitimately, and honorably.

Play Style: Casual, but professional. I have spent most of my time playing with the DMR, but I like to play with some basic strategy depending on the crew's strengths at a given moment.

Good teamwork? (Not Judged): I'll let you judge , if and when we play together.

Mic / Teamspeak 3: Both.

Steam: Eidos

Seems good enough. I know how school can be overwhelming. This clan could have rapid movement, or changes of base locations, depends on who we encounter (spies / hackers)

I say, go for it. A skilled designated marksmen is priceless. hop on teamspeak, the both of you talk.dayzforum.com:10174

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Name: Thomas

Age: 21

Time zone: Eastern Time Zone

Experience: I have been playing solo for around six months, can navigate without a map if necessary and know most of the spawns on the map. I generally play early in the morning before work and school and play after work around 5pm my time.

What you can bring to us:I am average at sniping but am very good at getting close to people without them noticing to kill or to scout out areas and enemy bases. I generally collect the best guns I can find and pass them out to people so I can grab more from people when they aren't looking. At the moment I have an M240, MK48 Mod 0, and 3-4 Ghillies in my bag along with ammo and med supplies so I don't need to be geared. I can drive any ground vehicle but don't let me near choppers.

Play Style: Stealth/Passive

Good teamwork? (Not Judged): I work well in a team normally as a scout but also as a gunner.

Mic / Teamspeak 3: I have a mic and Teamspeak

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Name: Thomas

Age: 21

Time zone: Eastern Time Zone

Experience: I have been playing solo for around six months, can navigate without a map if necessary and know most of the spawns on the map. I generally play early in the morning before work and school and play after work around 5pm my time.

What you can bring to us:I am average at sniping but am very good at getting close to people without them noticing to kill or to scout out areas and enemy bases. I generally collect the best guns I can find and pass them out to people so I can grab more from people when they aren't looking. At the moment I have an M240, MK48 Mod 0, and 3-4 Ghillies in my bag along with ammo and med supplies so I don't need to be geared. I can drive any ground vehicle but don't let me near choppers.

Play Style: Stealth/Passive

Good teamwork? (Not Judged): I work well in a team normally as a scout but also as a gunner.

Mic / Teamspeak 3: I have a mic and Teamspeak

Sounds good to me. Stealth is a huge factor that I and a few others in the clan do not posses. Welcome aboard! Hop on teamspeak if you wish (TS3 is temp until we host our own or use Lance's vent) talk.dayzforum.com:10174

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Name: Cody

Age: 21

Time zone: Central.

Experience: Used to play with a clan then I quit playing for a while due to school. Ive had characters stay alive for weeks while seeing combat daily. I specialize in towns like Cherno and Electro but also have a good amount of northern experience as well.

What you can bring to us: I am not only a good shot but I am good at waiting for the right time to make the shot. Staying undetected is my specialty. I also know 100% of sniper hotspots and vulnerability points on the coast towns and the NW Airfield (Chernarus).

Play Style: Used to be a full on bandit but have decided recently to try to just be passive unless the person is or can be a threat to me. I never shoot unarmed survivors.

Good teamwork? (Not Judged): Yes

Mic / Teamspeak 3: Yes.

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Name: Cody

Age: 21

Time zone: Central.

Experience: Used to play with a clan then I quit playing for a while due to school. Ive had characters stay alive for weeks while seeing combat daily. I specialize in towns like Cherno and Electro but also have a good amount of northern experience as well.

What you can bring to us: I am not only a good shot but I am good at waiting for the right time to make the shot. Staying undetected is my specialty. I also know 100% of sniper hotspots and vulnerability points on the coast towns and the NW Airfield (Chernarus).

Play Style: Used to be a full on bandit but have decided recently to try to just be passive unless the person is or can be a threat to me. I never shoot unarmed survivors.

Good teamwork? (Not Judged): Yes

Mic / Teamspeak 3: Yes.

Alright man. Hop in teamspeak 3 server talk.dayzforum.com:10174

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Name: Christian

Age: 22

Time zone: Centeral, USA

Experience: Expert sniper, Can survive off very little recources, can use the enviroment to my advantage. [ Expert Map Man ]

What you can bring to us: Skill. Safety. Supplys.

Play Style: Usally prefer sniping, I live in the mountains w/ a sniper and a small tent w/ supplys for living. I barley leave the mountain. So I'm a " Mountain man "

I guess you could call me.

Good teamwork? (Not Judged): I cooperate well, except when people start insulting me.

Mic / Teamspeak 3: Have built in PC Mic, and If I need it, I could get a teamspeak.

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Name: Ashpwnall

Age: 17

Time Zone: EST

Experience: Knows Cherno and Elektro like back of hand. Great at handling trades(more muscle and transaction)

What you can bring us: great skills, supplies and a different knowledge to looting towns and raiding tent camps

Play style: medic/muscle and scout

Good Teamwork(Not judged): i play well with others.

Mic/Teamspeak 3: yes and yes :D

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I'm not quite sure if you are still looking for people but!



Time zone:West coast

Experience:have played Dayz for the last 3 months or more

What you can bring to us: i'm a very good sniper and can snipe with nearly any gun that has some sort of scope. I also like to raid high traffic areas when i can.

Play Style: Like stated before i'm a good sniper and i can support teams very well in a distance.

Good teamwork? (Not Judged): i have played a decent group before

Mic / Teamspeak 3: Yes to both

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