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bad_mojo (DayZ)


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There is a point at which you have to abandon realism because DayZ is, and always will be, a game. For the sake of playability for all players, features like this are left out.

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There is a point at which you have to abandon realism because DayZ is, and always will be, a game. For the sake of playability for all players, features like this are left out.

Did you even read the whole thread? Can you elaborate on who this wouldn't be playable for and why?

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Did you even read the whole thread? Can you elaborate on who this wouldn't be playable for and why?

People who can't always get on consistently. Did you read the whole thread? Because I didn't think I needed to reiterate that.

Edited by Dutch Miller

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I'm not sure where you got the idea that I wanted people to log on and feed their character when not playing. That's not at all what I suggested.

If that doesn't cover what you're implying, then what are you implying? Why would an infrequent gamer be at a disadvantage?

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I think OP has no life at all, or HUGE clan of people from all over the globe to watch his sleeping ass.

This idea is retarted, If I rememer correctly.. when this mod came out it had the feature that you would get hungry and thirsty even when you are not logged in?

That would be so bad for people that dont have time to sit on their computer 24/7, some people actually have lives.

Same goes for sleeping, its stupid idea...get over it. It is not possible to "simulate" every damn aspect of life in game and most of those shoudnt be, ideas like this makes the game unplayable... like you dont have shit to kill and loot you now when you are playing... game would be full of people hunting sleepers... retarted. sorry.

Edited by Zeppa

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So much hate and personal insults. I love it.

I really wish people would read the whole thread tho. I guess I should edit the OP now.

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No - nobody has the time to play 12 hours of dayz each day and I shouldn't be forced to play a game just to keep my character alive. How about you pretend that u dug a pit and are sleeping in that and you hid it so well no one can find it.

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Well think of it this way it keeps pussy bitches from disconnecting during a battle.

lol.. there is much better ways than sleepingbag for that...

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Lets just put it this way... when you simulate every aspect of life... the game pratically becomes a life... your life in fact. Not everyone has the money/time to play DayZ 24/7. So sleeping and staying on the server is a horrible idea. Whats more annoying than not playing for a week and finding out your character starved/dehydrated or was shot to death during that period. I've found many things in the middle of the woods. It's not hard to find a sleeping player whatsoever.

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If you can't play dayz 24/7 then you should go back to call of duty. This isn't a game, it's a lifestyle. You scrubs are weak, with your pitiful jobs, families and priorities. Pfft, get a clue, playing video games at all times is the good life. /sarcasm

Seriously tho, what if your sleeping only affected your temperature upon login. So if you slept in a sleeping bag you're normal, but if you just logged off randomly, you need to buid a fire or use a heatpack to warm up. But, if you came back in less than 5 hours you wouldn't be cold, so random disconnections won't freeze you.

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Seriously tho, what if your sleeping only affected your temperature upon login. So if you slept in a sleeping bag you're normal, but if you just logged off randomly, you need to buid a fire or use a heatpack to warm up. But, if you came back in less than 5 hours you wouldn't be cold, so random disconnections won't freeze you.

That sounds like a good idea, because it makes sense that youre getting cold when you logg off ("sleep") without a sleeping bag. And heatpacks are quite common enough so you could heat yourself up again. It would actually make heatpacks useful, because i never had problems with my temperatur.

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The idea of a human body lying in hibernation mode for possibly weeks is equally unrealistic.

To the people who think everyone would end up dead... why aren't all tents found and emptied every night? What's to stop people from logging out on a low population server that might get only 10 people online in the next 8 hours.

Is it that hard to hide a sleeping bag in 225km2?

Lots of people share tents, maybe some people haven't even set up one yet. If every unique user had their own tent, a medium sized server would probably have 5+ tents in every km2 of wilderness.

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I really think this 5 hour mark is way over doing it... if something like this REALLY had to be iplemented it shoudnt be NO longer 5-10minutes to your char to disapper(logout timer)

You dont have always time to find nice hole to crawl in to, to ensure your safety... you have logout "fast" for RL stuff, its only a game and it shoudnt be messed up because you have to go and your sleepingbag zipper is stuck.

It would really suck for people that dont have half an hour to seek safe place everytime they wanna logout... tought about that?

Edited by Zeppa

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I really think this 5 hour mark is way over doing it... if something like this REALLY had to be iplemented it shoudnt be NO longer 5-10minutes to your char to disapper(logout timer)

I think in his last idea the 5 hour mark is not that a person will remain 5 hours in the game after logging out, its that if you have logged out for more than 5 hours you will get a cold if you have no sleeping bag.

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Yeah, there are a few different ideas floating around. The 5 hour body remains after sleeping was just a number I pulled out of my ass to be honest, it could be 5-10minutes. Whatever works.

The problem with my body remaining in the world idea, is what is the punishment for just alt-f4'ing? Death seems too harsh, but if they alt-f4 they are not at any risk after leaving. So it would have to be enough punishment to encourage taking that risk, but not so much that if someone doesn't have time, they can still recover from a bad nights sleep.

I think the idea of just sleeping (without your body staying in the world) is the best thing to start with. Hunger, thirst, & temperature could be the punishments for not setting up camp. Because realistically if you just slept on the ground somewhere, your body has to burn more food/water in order to avoid hypothermia. It would basically be like the old hunger system, except there would be a way to avoid it.

I think with sleeping there could be more shelter options. A sleeping bag could be a tool on your belt, and it'll keep you warm but you still wake up thirsty. And then maybe a tarp item that you can deploy and add wood piles to it and craft a shelter which keeps you perfect. Along with the already present tent that people could select an option to "Enter and sleep", it would also keep you perfect during the night.

Edit: maybe even work in the fire, so if you're in close proximity to a fire when you sleep(logoff) it keeps you warm?

Edited by bad_mojo

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I just don't like the idea at all. Let's say you are either at airfield or approaching military tents but then your GF shows up at your house unexpected, you receive important call, etc. You just got screwed over for having a life. Playing 10 hours a day is already a big advantage (more time getting loot, more likely to find vehicles or crash sites, etc.), punishing someone for not giving a middle finger to the real world is just uncalled for. If you want the real thing, just enlist in the military.

Edited by basilonereborn

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I just don't like the idea at all. Let's say you are either at airfield or approaching military tents but then your GF shows up at your house unexpected, you receive important call, etc. You just got screwed over for having a life. Playing 10 hours a day is already a big advantage (more time getting loot, more likely to find vehicles or crash sites, etc.), punishing someone for not giving a middle finger to the real world is just uncalled for. If you want the real thing, just enlist in the military.

I don't think enlisting in the military will get me into a zombie apocalypse survival scenario any quicker than playing DayZ.

If you can't find a campsite and sleep before leaving the game, all you have to do is be prepared with a heatpack, food and water. There used to be an ongoing hunger & thirst in dayz, people learned to adapt. The problem was there was no prevention. You would always be hungry/thirst when you came back.

Also, I suggested a grace period, so if you leave the game and come back a couple hours later, you aren't punished, it's only when you leave the game for more than (for example) 8 hours that you are punished.

You wouldn't even need to rely on heat packs. If you were close to a building. Just go sit in there for a minute. Or chop some wood and build a fire. Along with a canteen & knife/matches/axe you wouldn't have any problems dealing with such a minor punishment.

Maybe they could code it so leaving while inside a building keeps you warm but you still get hit with hunger/thirst, unless you setup camp inside the building.

Edited by bad_mojo

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Now Im starting to see where you getting at here. Maybe with some tweaking... Sleepingbag would be item that you can find?

Sleepingbag = stay on the server 8minutes, all good when login back (if you are alive).

Fireplace= Stay on the server 4 minutes, all good when login back. This would be so risky as the fire gives you away so easyly, so I think this woudnt be used.. maybe only if the time would be shorted than with a sleeping bag as presented.

Nothing= Stay on the server for 10minutes, cold, hunger and thrist blinking or red when you login back depending how log you have been logged out. But it should be made that after you logout your temp,hunger and thrist will start to go down in steady phase, so you could log back in set of timeframe and still have light green/red what ever level of.

So if you need to go bang your gf, just logout and come back in that 2 minutes that it takes and all good..or just leave your char hidden, as you dont need logout for 2 minutes... for other interruptions like need for visit grosery store that takes 30mins, you would have no worries of hunger and stuff when you login back after that.

Just random numbers, but idea is that with nothing its worst and longest, as everyone wont have bags, or equipment for fireplace.

Fireplace is like beacon for kill me please, so its very risky but faster.

Bag is at the middleground..

But you should have option to stay ingame for that whole time that takes you to disappear if you wish to monitor and cancel the logout if necessary.

Edited by Zeppa

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You should sleep on the ground for an hour before your body despawns. In that hour, your inventory and everything you carry is available for the taking, as well as your life. Sleeping bags could help with visibility.

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I think a camo sleeping bag would make it very difficult to be found. Set it up in the bushes or trees in the middle of a forest.

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I like the idea of sleeping but now how described in this thread. I have a job and social life and don't get to play as often as some do. What if I go on holiday and my player is sleeping for 2 weeks, what are the chances I'll be dead when I get back? Very high.

Sorry but idea is flawed

Agree to disagree. I don't like this idea, at all -.-

Maybe sleeping in game rejuvenate your characters health and fatigue, increasing health regen and stamina regen.

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Maybe if it stops to blinking level, after this you still have like 10 minutes ingame time to get stuff down your throath. You woudnt go down to the death.

But its still complicated system, and I would prefer to play without it.

Edited by Zeppa

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Sleep/Drowsiness is a good idea to some degree.

Having your body stay in the world when you log it is not.

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