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Austerror DayZ Private Hive Whitelist Server (DayZ - Epoch 1.62.103419 -

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Austerror Presents


Private Hive Whitelist DayZ server. Our DayZ Epoch server (1.62.103419, runs on +5 GMT.

Application must be made via the website at http://dayz.austerror.com after you have attempted to log in to the server (this is to get your GUID, PID and Character Name) and is assessed case by case. The website itself is 100% integrated with the servers which allows detailed statistics, a leveling system and more (still to come). We are working on the website every day to add more features.


  • Full Moon Nights.
  • Heli Lift and Vehicle Tow.
  • Self Bloodbag.
  • 6 Hourly Restarts.
  • Tamable Dogs.
  • 450ms Ping Kick.
  • Whitelist coming soon!

Look forward to hearing from you.

Austerror DayZ Admin
[email protected]

Edited by Caffeind

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We're growing fast and still script kiddie free. Why not apply at apply today.


Austerror DayZ Admin.

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Still without a breach. Running @Bliss v3.6 with all saves working. Running latest ARMA II OA Patch (Build 98220).

Great community. Apply here.

See you in Chern~


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Austerror DayZ will be upgrading to @Bliss v3.7 in the next 24 hours.

@Bliss v3.7 changelog:

- New maps; Fallujah, Zargabad, Namalsk (this map ROCKS)

- [optional feature] Care packages; randomly spawned care packages will appear on your server on each restart (like heli crash sites) if you have this option enabled

- **PRIVATE HIVE CUSTOMERS** Building spawns; constructable buildings can be placed in your building & instance_building tables for permanet constructables

- Vehicle spawns for Namalsk (Fallujah coming soon)

- Bug fix: humanity not updating properly

We'll also be introducing twice daily restarts (6am and 6pm AEST).

If you want to play DayZ as it was intended, visit us today.


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We have upgraded to @Bliss v3.7

Humanity bug fixed. I will be incorporating humanity into the current leveling and class system.

We have reached 50 unique members without a single skiddie making it through.

What's your story?

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We have upgraded to DayZ 1.7.3 and @Bliss v4.0.

I have also migrated the server (+ players) to another provider.


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Possibly a dumb question, but... For the join server attempt to apply as per your website, should i be trying the new server IP also? instead of as is still in the instructions there?

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Possibly a dumb question, but... For the join server attempt to apply as per your website, should i be trying the new server IP also? instead of as is still in the instructions there?

Thanks for your question R3D.

I have edited the pages on http://dayz.austerror.com to reflect the new server details.

The original server (at is NO LONGER monitored by Austerror. It is running out the last of its days with a scheduler advising players of the new server details. This server is closing due to the fact that the hosting company (Survival Servers) was unable to provide me with the service I required to be able to provide the players with the service they expect.

Although it has been an expensive month (trialing new hosts) for Austerror we believe we have landed upon a great host and as such will be able to resume providing the quality of game-play that the players have come to expect from us.


Edited by Caffeind

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Thanks to everyone who has helped make Austerror DayZ the great server it is. We have recently achieved over 100 whitelisted members.

I would just like to remind all potential applicants to fill out their whitelist applications correctly. I will not whitelist anyone who does not provide an email address or whos' reason for joining is 'Thanks' or similar.

If you have not received an email response within 24 hours then it is likely your application was unsuccessful. You are, however, welcome to re-apply.

Server now spawning Vehicle Wrecks and Care Packages.


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Server has updated to ARMA2 patch 99153. You will need to update your clients before you can log back in to play.


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Server has updated to DayZ v1.7.4.4, @Bliss v4.2.

8 days left until the $50 Steam gift voucher competition closes. See this thread for more details.


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We are still looking for new players for our server hub (Chernarus/Taviana).

Apply today and join the great community that is Austerror!

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Hey this looks really interesting. Signing up cos sick of server admin/hackers and hackers in general.

Hopefully see you on there.

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Hi everyone.


We're back!


DayZ Austerror is running Epoch on it's own server.


If you liked us before, you'll love us now.


Before you can make an account at http://dayz.austerror.com you will first need to attempt to log in to the server. This is in order to log your GUID, PID and Player Name as to associate it with your http://dayz.austerror.com account.


See you in the fields.



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Just a quick post of the current 'custom' features of our Epoch Server.


  • Full Moon Nights.
  • Heli Lift and Vehicle Tow.
  • Self Bloodbag.
  • 6 Hourly Restarts.
  • Tamable Dogs.
  • 450ms Ping Kick.
  • Whitelist coming soon!



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