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Shovel & small, medium and large satchel, to bury items

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So I heard some ideas thrown around for being able to bury items for relative safe keeping.

I personally think that's a great idea, but it has to be balanced properly.

However, I do not for see any immediate negative impacts, other than more server load, storing and restoring all locations of buried loot.

This is how I imagine it:

Industrial area spawn: Shovel, chance of spawn 0,50%. Used to dig holes in forest areas.

Civilian area spawn: Satchel, small, medium, large, 5, 10 and 20 slots respectively. Chance of spawn 1.5%/0.75%/0,20%.

These two items are used to create a dirt mound in forest areas that uses similar mechanic as the fireplace.

To create a dirt mound, player has to be in a forest, has to have a satchel of any type present in the inventory and a shovel.

Clicking the shovel shows up "Create a stash" (come up a with a better name, please...).

Clicking create a stash creates a dirt mound, not very large, but identifiable from close range, that blends in to the forest ground color.

Dirt mound acts like the fireplace does, you can open gear menu on it, and the amount of items it can store is that of the size of the satchel. In other words, a dirt mound stash created with a large satchel would allow 20 items to be stored or 2 rifles.

The satchel is then consumed upon creation of the stash.

Stash persists longer after death than a tent, which is 48 hours, and I would imagine a week would be a good time.

Only usable in forests because of texture complexity issues (only have to use one kind of texture this way), and doesn't compete with tents at same locations.

Stash should only be able to store non-organic items such as ammo, tools, weapons.

To access a stash, person needs to have a shovel present in his inventory. Can be used to open all stashes regardless of ownership.


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Good idea. Can be an additional function of the entrenching tool. I'd also like to see bear bags (hang stuff in trees) and maybe residential/commercial safes?

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A very logic thing to do during zombie apocalypse.

I like this idea a lot.

Less risk than placing a tent,but less reward as you cant hoard as many items.Perfect for a lone players/small teams consisting of 2-3 players.

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It means you'll be able to hide something pretty much forever, which is fine if:

you can't hide a lot of stuff in one hole

it actually takes time to dig a hole and dig up your stuff

you have to keep your stuff in something, like a bag or whatever (something tells me burying a gun underground for days isn't going to do it much good)

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Of course being in such a vast area like Chernarus you will of course put up a little red flag on your stash mound hidden away in a godforsaken forest, just to make sure you can find it more easily, right? Because between all those trees and stones and bushes it could be anywhere. Unfortunately a lonely survivor may stumble upon your stash and clear it.

Generally I am against "banking" items like this, for every advantage you can have there must be some kind of risk attached. All in all though this suggestion sounds more "survivor-ish" than stashing your stuff in a tent in the middle of nowhere.

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You dont need to put up a "little red flag". Just remember where you put it! Use some prominent features of the land etc. If there are 3 trees in a triangle setting, place the stash in the middle. Just an example.

There are plenty of forests next to barns / huts etc. Use the hut as your baseplate then move from there.

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Had this idea before the forums rolled back. My inspiration was S.T.A.L.K.E.R for the idea.

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Just getting the idea out there...

Combine buried loot, a Marker and a Map - combine this with a dead player you stumble across (Or carelessly steped infront of your bullet...) and you have it! User made treasure maps!

Heres one I prepared earlier: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9780

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Rocket still on this or was it scrapped?

Soon to be released are underground caches which are invisible, a bit more secure to store your stuff. Also, sandbags and defences will be syncronized to the database also and persistent. So you will be able to fortify entire towns. However these will require maintenance so they can stay.

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