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Vehicles, is there any trick?

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I suppose this has been asked a million times, but anyway... I know there is people who has vehicles. I´ve found myself some vehicles, carefully hide them, and they always disappear within 0-48 hours. The last time I found a bicycle, which I was able to hide during 2 days. But it also disappeared. I have tried in lots of places, in the North, in the middle of the map, in forests...

I usually play alone, or with a single friend, and the question is, how do the people hide their vehicles? Can they be hidden outside the map?

An example:


How can someone have, not only one, but 17 vehicles hidden across different servers?

Edited by Mitor

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Make sure to save them, if that isn't working it's a problem with the server, or people are finding them and taking them.

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Make sure to save them, if that isn't working it's a problem with the server, or people are finding them and taking them.

I always save them... Can a server have problems saving vehicles? But if that occurs, could the server save the vehicle sometimes?

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On many of the public hive servers almost every vehicle is hidden out of bounds.

Vehicles hidden outside the map will disappear after restart, and they're easy to find there anyway.

They won't. Vehicles out of bounds will only disappear if they are not saved every 24 hours.

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There really isn't a trick, it will always get found. If you login the next day and it's gone, looks like you got an objective now to get it back.

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I hide all my stuff in and around cities. No point in playing if I have to spend most of my time traveling.

Anyway, I often have all my tents and vehicles vanish on server restart, then the next restart they come back. So make sure you are checking back after the next restart. Good luck. I currently have a pick up, Gaz, PBX and old bike. This does not include the motorbike I crashed in the lake, the 3 small fishing boats I don't want and the 2 old bikes on a server that vanished. I am not bragging, just trying to say getting vehicles is not THAT hard. Keeping them is much harder.

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Vehicles get found easy, I have an idiot of a friend that managed to stumble upon a camp site and truck in the arse hole of nowhere in the pitch black. A lot of the time with vehicles is pure luck, other times like me, its looking in places people think are safe.

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