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Blackops Bambi

Old fart looking for a crew. Have gun, will travel...

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... or at least I seem to be working at the "getting a gun" part 90% of my time in Day Z.

I'm a 38 year old danish male player, who started playing Day Z about a week ago, while bored at work (my work, lucky c*nt that I am, allows for loads of idle time for playing online) - and I am completely and utterly hooked on this wonderful mod. In Day Z, I've found the love of my life, and I remain confident that I'll never play anything else again (at least until ARMA 3 comes out). My girlfriend has accepted the premise of this sad love triangle, and has consequently downloaded the game as well, being a proper survivalist/zombie-genre geek and all...

Previous game experience? Loads. I've played Battlefield 1942, Battlefield 2 (contract player for Begrip.gaming) and Battlefield 3, always in competitive clan settings, so backing organized teamplay and using TS/Vent is nothing new to me - but I've gotten fat, old and even have an (awesome) dog now, so I'm only playing Day Z for shits and giggles. I'm not looking for ûber 0wn4ge competitive zomg-we're-the-l33t-crew gameplay... just an endless string of fun "lets-see-what-kindda-trouble-we-can-get-into" kindduv games every second night or so.

What am I looking for? A small crew of no-lifers such as myself, who's fckin ALWAYS on and looking for a few thrills on this or that server. Preferably around the same age as myself, or at least somewhat mature players with an IQ average above room temperature. Voice chat is a must. I enjoy the social side of online gaming as much as the gaming experience itself, so not wanting to use anything else than VOIP is a dealbreaker for me. I like the PvP aspect of Day Z, and I have killed a few players already (only in self defense though), but I like the co-op aspect the most, and I greatly dislike people getting their kicks out of being d*cks and/or harassing new players.

What you'll get? A trustworthy, faithful and fairly entertaining companion (just give me a car and watch me go all Steve McQueen on your *ss) with a willingness to learn every aspect of this awesome, AWESOME mod from more experienced players than myself. I've got shitloads of questions and I AM new to this - but I learn fast and once I get hooked on a game, I'm pumping a retarded amount of time and effort into it. I'm half decent with fraps and video/editing (Vegas Pro), so recording some footage and editing it into something somewhat watchable is not entirely impossible, if that's your thing. Like you may've guessed from my name, I'm a huge fan of FrankieonPC's and Jackfrags videos about all their shennanigans in Day Z, so if you're into that kindduv thing, I'm definitely your guy.

What I'm not looking for? Script kiddies, cheaters, roleplayers, anything remotely resembling real life ranking structure (I don't CARE if you're the Colonel Klink of your private online army, I'm not calling you Sir, you zit-faced, testically challenged pre-teen wannabe!) and people who take online gaming too serious. If you can't laugh at your own failures - or at the very least mine - I'm not your guy.

Language-wize, I'm fluent in english, german, and I can at the very least insult your mother in russian and serbo-croatian.

So, long story short: Respond here with a few words on who/what/when/where, and we'll get sorted with steam/voice/whatever else to hook up in-game.

Edited by Blackops Bambi
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Hey man I am setting up a DayZ Squad and am basically looking for the same kind of players as you.

I am on TS most of the evening so jump on for a chat.

join us on TeamSpeak. www.teamspeak.com.

Here is the IP: VOICE-IL1.BRANZONE.COM:9993

Password = xtrulz

Edited by Enpi

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Hi, you sound like exactly the type of players we look for. We are the BSB Network a social gaming community that is dedicated to fair and fun gaming. The community is mostly adult gamers over the age of 20 (well over in most cases!) but there are no age, time or skill requirements - all we ask is you play fair and have a bit of common sense about you! Our members are based all over the world and are on at all times of the day and night, but all speak English and most are based in the UK and Mainland Europe with some in the US too.

We have over 200 Day Z players in various Fire teams and groups playing Day Z and using our Teamspeak Server to communicate and coordinate their scavenges and raids. These teams have several bases, vehicles, camps and play across several of our own home servers.

We've been gaming as a community since 2002, so we're not some ad-hoc fly by night clan that's been quickly set up and will be gone in the blink of an eye! There is no obligation to join our clan or any of our affiliated clans/groups to take part in our sessions though, everyone is free to urn up and get involved.

If you're interested check out or website @


and try to hop on our Teamspeak 3 server and say "hi!"

Edited by Box

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Hey oldfart!!!

I'm your twin by reading your first post! (Although I am 48 and dont work) Been playing DayZ for about the same couple weeks as a loner and want to get together with a few folks to have some fun and socialize. Let me know what you end up doing as I would like to join up with a like minded old fart! lol B)

I live in America in central time zone but able to play 7 am - 2 am central time. I'm still learning but a group of like minded old farts to group up with would bring my game to a new level as I really am sociable and not really a loner as I play now. I like to have fun and am done with the military structure. (I am retired Army)

I would like to "hook" up with ya for some roaming fun! lol :D

Let me know if you join a squad of like minded and I'll check into same. :thumbsup:

ALSO ... anyone else reading this who doesnt mind having fun with old fart noobs, let me know. (rookiemn@hotmail.com or here)

I have teamspeak 3 but no steam account

Edited by rookiemn

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