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hello all, i have recently started playing this mod and am absolutely in love with it.. but it sucks mad balls when u are just starting out and finally find something good than someone kills you. its just infuriating, and i know that the whole concept behind this game is realism, but i dont find it too realistic that just cuz my backpacks bigger im gettin shot in the face with a gun i have never even seen, so that someone who does nothing but prey on new players can steal it.. i just dont think this is fair and im not trying to start an argument, but what im gettin at it is if someone salutes/ types friendly/ or anything leave them the fuck alone , they are just trying to learn how to play and dont want to get griefed by a dick with a big gun.. and im also not saying change the mod, its prefect (aside from some minor bugs of course) but the people who play the mod should have more respect for people new to the game or who have just respawned, like is makarov clips and bans really worth screwin someone over??? in my opinion hell no thats just dumb, shit if people asked me id even be willing to trade or help them out so they dont have to kill me. anyway sorry done ranting just thought id throw this out there

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I felt the same way when first startin too, but there is nothing to say people have to be nice because your new. It's just the way it is. It's tough in the land of Chernarus. It's pretty much sink or swim my friend. Good Luck!!

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If you think the concept of this game is realism you must be doing some pretty hard acid. I have no idea why people take this game as an attempt at realism.

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...i just dont think this is fair...

The game was never intended to be fair.

Get away from the coast ASAP and survive. Trust noone. When in doubt, shoot first.

Good luck.

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hello all, i have recently started playing this mod and am absolutely in love with it.. but it sucks mad balls when u are just starting out and finally find something good than someone kills you.

Hey I totally love this except the parts I don't love!

You will learn to cope. Or not. It's nothing to us either way.

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Find a couple of rally points just inland that you can get to solo without much trouble and go from there.

You will get used to what you can handle and where you can get good gear for starting. Once you have that, then you are immediately at an advantage for survival. If you die, get to one of your points, gear up, and move inland.

I found that my first lives were shorter because I didn't realize that my guy could cope with a lot more than I had initially thought. My caution let my last life go for 20 days (I was killed on spawning after that) and have quite a bit of fun just feeling out the game.

My newest life is only on day 4 I think, but I have better gear and an almost equal kill count than I had accumulated on my previous incarnation...

... it is just a matter of getting used to the game.

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I just adopted a group of guys to play with. Find a server with an out of game voice chat, get on it, and make friends. Having your own group makes a world of difference in your survival rate.

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You're misusing the term "griefers." There is no real griefing in DayZ - unless somebody blocks a door you're trying to get through. Then you can just shoot him. I guess you could call it griefing if somebody sprints into a room with a horde of angry zombies and lets them aggro on you - which I have done. Then I shot him with my Lee Enfield and stole all his gear. It was hilarious.

At any rate, PvP is basically the biggest part of this game. Trust me, once you get good enough to get an ALICE pack, a decent primary, a respectable sidearm, all the tools you need to survive, and a metric ton of food/water/soda, you're gonna get bored. I did. That's when I turned to other players for my amusement. For me, this game inspires an actual sense of terror when I'm in a firefight; afterwards, I find my hands shaking from the legitimate adrenaline rush I received. It's amazing, and it's fun as hell. At this point, for me, given my mastery of zombie evasion and my ability to survive, the only challenge I have left is other players.

Seriously though, PvP gets fun. Yesterday I bested an M16 with my Makarov, and had a guy that I was trying to kill pull a motherfucking crossbow on me. Seriously. It was hysterical. He actually hit me twice in the torso before I could put him down with the Makarov, and it was so intense it's almost frightening.

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thanks for feedback and all the tips, i dont really appreciate the hate but wtv, i comepletly realize the games based around PVP, and i agree that that could/will be fun once i aquire proper gear, but i would classify being killed right off the bat as griefing, its causing grief for me therefore its griefing lol (at least in my opinion), and in every game theres things u like and dont so whoever was trying to make me sound like a hippocrit failed miserably lol

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Here's a tip OP: go up north. Avoid the NW airfield and other big cities up north, but most of the Towns up north are player-free (you might come across one possibly though..). I did this, and now i'm on Day 3. I have a Bizon (silenced machine gun), DMR sniper, and an AK. I have my own Jeep vehicle too. I have not visited a major city yet (I did go to NW Airfield to get the AK, and I found a helicopter crash site for the other 2 weps). So IMO, I think you should just go straight north from the coast. It's a brutally long run, but at least you wont get shot in the face :)

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thanks for feedback and all the tips' date=' i dont really appreciate the hate but wtv, i comepletly realize the games based around PVP, and i agree that that could/will be fun once i aquire proper gear, but i would classify being killed right off the bat as griefing, its causing grief for me therefore its griefing lol (at least in my opinion), and in every game theres things u like and dont so whoever was trying to make me sound like a hippocrit failed miserably lol


trust me you will feel much more grief when you are killed after 10 days of playing and you lose all your machin guns, and night vis goggles, and blood packs.

i dont see how you can be griefed from getting killed right at the start, whats the big deal, you just spawn again somewhere else, no real loss.

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It's "dog eat dog world"...

In any case, this happens all the time and more than just one person is feeling the effects. It gets repetitive finding the same complaint again and again on the forums.

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I take my griefing seriously.

After a pretty harsh death (like drowning because you know, I climbed down a LADDER)...

If I respawn near cherno or elektro, I will drop all my gear and just start running through the towns.

As I gather a huge train of zombies, as was said earlier, I do my best to introduce them to other players.

Indeed, hilarious.

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