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Panthera Sloppy Seconds

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Congrats to these admin. They are on top of their game banning me for a Remote Exec Script because I still had an admin panel open for another server. Everyone head over to their Panthera Server and congratulate them for the good work.

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Except I just played for about an hour, completely lost. Found a chopper on a hill with an AFK looking player, shot him with my Enfield (thats all I had). Then zombies came from behind and knocked me unconcious in one hit because that guns so loud. Then another chopper comes out of nowhere and hovers about 400m in front of me while I'm knocked out. I then get kicked for "Teleporting" but I've never teleported or even used a script EVER... WTF!? Done with DayZ mod, this shit is retarded and please don't applaud these admins. Seems like they were mad I found their second chopper. Game name (WD)TearinItUpSon in case anyone follows up on this...

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The -s5- guys, for the most part, are a great bunch and they police their server well. I've been playing there since before they switched from lingor, and all I can say is I don't blame them for being jumpy with the bans. I've seen their server get hit by alot of hackers, but they always deal with them, so cut these guys some slack.

Edited by Zoid Flanders

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Hey guys, I am the head admin of the server. If you got kicked/banned wrongly, there was always an option to appeal the bans. I don't like wrongly banning people, but pre-whitelisting was a shit show. I'm not an angry little kid, i could care less if you found a chopper of mine and jacked it. If you were banned, its because I/We thought you were legitimately hacking. I have since then added a few more anti hack tools to the arsenal to prevent false kicks and bans. I would love for people wrongly banned to apply for whitelisting and come and check out the server now. We have been hack free for the last few weeks, and it has been nice.

Again, sorry if you got wrongly kicked or banned, i policed the server hard when it was open to the public, but in the end it was for nothing, because it never really stoppped the scripters.

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