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bandit fun in elektro (save murrika)

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so me and my friends were walking around the coast near elektro. when we find a medic box on the road

we are like "eh whats that" and we go over and check it out

its FULL of 5 of every single weapon in arma 2 ... well missing afew like m249 tws and you know... but w/e

we find soldier clothing and we have the idea

we all grab m249s and m4a1s and throw on soldier clothing

we run into elektro, going down the street mowing down every zombie we see, calling them "terrorists"

we're all yelling out in direct, we're like AHH SAVE MURRIKA!! DIE TERRORISTS!!!

we see people all over scratching their heads, lol

we all had nick names

i was Hank, my friend was Chip and my other was Bobathon

we were mowing down anything and killing survivors

some bandit runs out behind a firehouse and shoots chip in the leg, he falls and bleeds out

i yell "NOO CHIP!! DIE TERRORIST!!" and i see the guy

i mow him down

then we rush into the hospital and we're mowing down zombies

i see a survivor just staring at me

i yell "get in here! we're saving murrika!" and he runs in


when he gets in im about to shoot him but i turn to shoot zombies

soon my weapon and character are out of control

im fighting not to aim at him, a hacker is controlling my character and mows down the poor rookie, and i'm laughing out loud and we disconnect

it was a fun day

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So basically you are a ***hole who grabs hacked weapons and then mows unarmed and unequiped players. I don't mind taking the hacked wep but for the love of god don't just mow random people down for no reason. Killing zombies, AWESOME. Killing bandits. Even more awesome. About to mow down a unarmed player...GTFO!

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So basically you are a ***hole who grabs hacked weapons and then mows unarmed and unequiped players. I don't mind taking the hacked wep but for the love of god don't just mow random people down for no reason. Killing zombies, AWESOME. Killing bandits. Even more awesome. About to mow down a unarmed player...GTFO!


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I didn't really kill unarmed but I thought this is BANDIT forum so I threw that in all bandits I met killed me unarmed

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A real bandit takes on players that are a challenge not someone who grabs hacked shit and kills unarmed civilians.

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I'm going to call bs on your story. Parts of it seem true, but then it gets a bit strange after you grab the weapons.

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A real bandit takes on players that are a challenge not someone who grabs hacked shit and kills unarmed civilians.

even though i outwardly stated in the previous post that i didnt, lol

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even though i outwardly stated in the previous post that i didnt, lol

You should kill yourself. Like now.

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