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This is a real hive server, not a private hive. We are trying to get lots of people in to have a great time! Team-speak available as well! Make us your new home! Vehicles and crash sites are not horded/cheated from other players. Admins will never abuse their privileges. We want to bring great gaming and fast loads to all of you!

DayZ - US 99 IP:

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My new new new new home server is shutting down soon. I will check out your server and see if I feel at home. Hope to meet some friendlies. IGN Lt Aldo Raine

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Define horded vehicles.

If my group puts the time in to collect and maintain a fleet of vehicles and hunts other players, which is our standard MO, how long until we get kicked/banned? When I am not out of town working I average about 4 hours a day of DayZ time, my wife often plays along side me and a couple other buddies, which would equate to somewhere around 6-8 man hours a day of members of my group being on the server.

How often are server restarts? Is there warning before the restart?

Make no mistake, we are bandits and will ruin the day of anyone we can. We shoot first and don't ask questions. I personally will not use, or bring with me scripted weapons, but one of my guys has an AS-50 TWS that we collected from an admin camp on another server, which surprisingly shut down permanently the next day. I did however flatten all of their tents and save them empty before flattening... If we find a camp, we will take what we want from it, then destroy it. If we find a vehicle we don't want, we'll destroy it.

We would be pleased to be your resident bandits, assuming your admins play fair and won't use server restarts as a weapon to reduce our groups combat effectiveness. An example being, seeing the UAZ driving by and restarting the server so that there is a number of bandits/survivors standing on the road when they log back in.

We have talked about getting our own server, but our group isn't large enough to justify our own server, but we might be willing to support a good home even if the regulars hate us!

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my ingame name will be [svU]Brendan. i'm friendly and will gladly try out your server.

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i have enjoyed your server, but have been frustrated by reboots seeminly rolling the server back several days..losing vehicles, tents, loot.

Any plans to fix these issues?

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