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MarKeR (DayZ)

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After a quick scan.. Found one on my server!!

Can someone confirm that it is 100% hack?


14.06.2012 10:45:07: simo ( 869ac323f7d5a4b8a8c1a4096ffff272 - #31 marker = "playerMarker" + (str i);
marker = createMarkerLocal [marker,coords];
marker setMarkerPosLo
14.06.2012 10:45:07: simo ( 869ac323f7d5a4b8a8c1a4096ffff272 - #32 = createMarkerLocal [marker,coords];
marker setMarkerPosLocal (coords);
marker setMarkerTypeLocal "h
14.06.2012 10:45:07: simo ( 869ac323f7d5a4b8a8c1a4096ffff272 - #133 #line 1 "t\mp.sqf"
hint "Adding Markers";

plList = allUnits;
j = count plList;
i = 0;
mkPos = true;
14.06.2012 10:45:12: simo ( 869ac323f7d5a4b8a8c1a4096ffff272 - #31 marker = "playerMarker" + (str i);
marker = createMarkerLocal [marker,pos];
marker setMarkerTypeLoca
14.06.2012 10:45:12: simo ( 869ac323f7d5a4b8a8c1a4096ffff272 - #32 marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
marker setMarkerPosLocal (pos);
marker setMarkerColorLocal("Col
14.06.2012 10:45:12: simo ( 869ac323f7d5a4b8a8c1a4096ffff272 - #133 #line 1 "t\mv.sqf"
hint "Adding Vehicle Markers";

unitList2 = allMissionObjects "LandVehicle";

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From the look of it, he's adding vehicle and player markers that makes it possible for him to see the other players' and vehicles' locations on the map. Search the lines on "community.bistudio.com/wiki/" without quotes.

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Somebody is seeing vehicles on the map on 'our' server, that's for sure. Loosing them as soon we leave them basically :@

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same here, we thought we had a leak in our group but we decided to take the stuff to different locations, as soon as we went off for the night they were all gone.

A guy was on yesterday with this hack too on our server.

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I knew people were using vehicle markers.. no way these one hacker kids had found our base to explode up all our vehicles.

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