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Hello all !

i just started playing this game today, and man, is it cool or what, i absolutely love it, i'm here to tell my first experience and also ask a few questions about the game that popped up that i couldn't find answer ( yes, there might be somewhere, just couldn't find it ).

when i first started playing this game i spawned in middle of city, full of zombies and no clue about controls or game ( other than what i read ). As you can quess, i was scared as crap, i also noted that zombies was dumber than crap, first i was just running around the city in panic while tons of zombies chasing me, when i managed to hide from them ( don't know how i did that actually, i just ran and then i decided to prone after going in to corner ) so, i just proned everywhere without getting noticed ( yeah, didn't take long to realize proning is the way to go ), i managed to get some food and water and somekind of rifle wich was awesome, it killed zombies on one hit.

So, after i got my basic supplies i just ran away from city, there's no way i can handle my self there if i started shooting so i went into countryside. because i never was hit ( even when zombies was right next to me ) i was wondering is this server bugged or something, so i decided to let zombies hit me, nope, nope it wasn't, i shot every zombie around this barn and there was my first bug i noticed, 3 zombies inside each other not moving or doing anything, i just had freekills from those.

Now comes my first encounter with hacker, people was spamming in chat "hacker hacker" and ppl started to die all the time, then it happened to me, it seemed like i had hearthattack or something, i just died without hearing a shot or anything, i ran and next thing i knew was that i was dead.

now i start another game, i managed to get some basic supplies from town, then second bug happened, i was proning inside a building and when i was crossing doorstep i become uncounsious and my bones were broken and i was bleeding and something else too ( dunno what that was ), so i managed to bandage my self, eat some painkillers but i had no way to cure my broken bones, so, i didn't feel like proning the rest of the game so i did suicide, and man, 1 zombie took 1minute to kill me.

on my third character ( it's still alive ) i'll keep my story short, i managed to equip my self with pistol and rifle and lots of supplies, i noticed 1 bug, i tried to drink soda, it didn't so clicked it multiple times to drink it, suddenly it dissparead from my backback but i didn't get my thirst up or nothing else happened, i was like okay... who cares and moved on, but then started to happen some weird stuff, every few minutes i got sound what you get when you drink soda, and text appeared all the time that i drunk soda, and that's not weirdest thing that happened, suddenly in the world, there wasn't a single zombie, and no supplies to be found anywhere, where used to be always atleast trash ( empy bottles ) but no, nowhere was even trash, no zombies no nothing and all the time i get text i drinked a soda and get that sound, so i rejoined the server and everything came back to normal, same thing happened when i opened someones tent.

so, that's enough with my first experience with game ! i totally love it but i have few concerns.

1. are there any other bugs i should be aware of ? what trickered those bugs i had so i can avoid them ?

2. when i went in to the small village i started shooting zombies, so 15 zombies starts charging at me, i managed to kill them all, but all the time new ones comes to me with 1-2 packs, does zombies respawn so fast or does shooting really lure from SO far away all the zombies ? and this was a little village, not city. And just few minuted before i managed to kill 2 zombies even when there was more zombies decently close, they didn't even start moving towards me like they didn't hear, how does zombies work exacly ?

3. is hacking common ? i already ( and note that i just started today so this is big concern to me ) encountered 2 hackers in 2 different servers, one was that was playing god giving hearthattack to everyone, other one dropped me a crate with 50 of EVERY ITEM in the game, yeah.... i didn't take anything from that crate because i don't want to cheat.

4. If hacking is so big problem in the game, i'd like to know is there any servers where you can't come across one ? i'd like to know password and name of the server.

5. where you can fill empty fieldbottle ? i managed to find well, but i couldn't fill it.

6. how can you gain more "blood" ?

i know it's TL:DR but if anyone read it, thanks for reading :)

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Hello Juomari. Welcome to dayz! :)

Congratulations on your rapid learning curve, it sounds like you've learned a lot in a short time. :thumbsup:

To answer some of your questions:

There are plenty of bugs, dayz is an alpha test game. The developers will be releasing a standalone game later this year. I believe they're aiming for it to go on sale in December.

If you use a rifle like the Lee Enfield, it is so loud that each time you shoot it every zombie from miles/kilometres away will come running to eat you!

Hacking has been a bad problem for dayz but it looks like Battleye (the anti-hacking company) are fighting back to protect us on servers. The hacking is still there but you will often see Battleye messages saying someone has been kicked. That can be because they don't have the right software or because they are hackers, or other reasons.

Field bottles (or water bottles) can be filled in the country (and just outside cities like cherno and elektro) at ponds and lakes but they can also be filled in cities and towns at water pumps, which you will find in people's back gardens.

Blood - tins of food will give you 200 units of blood back, animal steaks at lot more. I think it's about 800. To hunt you need a weapon (some kind of gun), a hunting knife, a hatchet to get fire wood, a matchbox to light the fire, and space in your inventory or backpack to carry that meat! You can also get a full blood transfusion with a blood bag but only if you can find someone to give you the transfusion. You can't transfuse yourself. :thumbsup:

Have fun and feel free to ask as many questions as you like.

By the way, you will much of the information you need at this site: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page

And you might find this map useful until you find one in the game (try a local store/supermarket or a bar/cafe) http://dayzdb.com/map#3.069.075

Edited by Sula
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1. There are many things in this game a new joiner would consider bugs. Very often you get a broken bone in very unexpected situations or you can drop from a building roof, die in a car accident hitting very minor object on the road, etc. However, this is part of the fun and difficulty level of the game.

2. Zombies are attracted by the noise your gun makes (it is very noisy one indeed). They also respawn after a while. No point to shoot zombies tough and without urgent need - keep your ammo for players.

3. Hacking is common and until Standalone comes out. Only relatively hackers-free servers are private hive servers. There are still hackers but the server can be rolled back after hacker is banned and everyone gets in the "Time machine" - everything is restored to the status of 10 min. or so ago.

5. Empty bottles can't be filled. You have to find the green thingy - not sure how it is called in English (canteen or so or this is "field bottle"?). Then you go in the lake (water up to your chest/right click on the item in inventory) or next to a well, etc.

6. Blood is gained by eating food (stakes gives max of it - 800) or you can instantly reach 12000 if you find someone to give you blood transfusion. Blood backs are available in the hospitals - after you break the windows with your hatchet.

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