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Brand new player LFG

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I'm Brand new player to Dayz and arma 2 but not arma.... I'm looking for a group or atleast another player to play with. Im 20 years old have skype/teamspeak/Vent and mic. I'm a good player.

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complete noob here :P i got someone who posted on my topic for the same thing lets get a group going (P.S im 13 but not the typical kind, i have a deep voice and im usually mistaken for a 30 yr old)

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I'm willing to join this upstart group as well! I'm a little seasoned for DayZ And Arma, My Previous group sorta left me behind completely..

I'm Twenty winters old and I Have Skype and various other messengers to use! I'm Quite a goofball at times, But Whenever the time comes I'll take things seriously.

x3 I Hope to hear from 'ya soon if I'm accepted.

Oh Right, I Forgot to mention that I dislike hurting others..

Edited by Liffy Azambuja
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hey im willing to join this friendly little group im 18 and need other people to play with my steam name is sladdberry

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Guys add me on steam or skype and let me know you're from DayZ!

IGN: Lehisaurus

I am 17 and I am looking for a group because Chernarus can get lonely!

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