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Ping too high

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I recently reinstalled arma 2 CO but now when I tried entering a game it kicked me saying my ping was too high (600's i think). What is causing this, suggestions?

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It can be caused by a number of things, really. It's probably your internet signal to theirs that's causing the problem. What's your internet connection like?

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usually full bars at least 4 bars at all times throughout my house

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Well, he is not asking that. He is asking about what type of internet connection are you paying for.

Also, I can give you some tips:

Try to connect your PC to your router through cable.

Try to connect to servers from your own country or in worst case from nearby countries. Sixlauncher and Dayz Commander have the option to list all servers from less ping to more ping.

Try not to use proxies or any similar aps.

Consider changing your ISP and choosing less bandwith but optical fibre.

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